𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏, abel's out

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 ❛ You going on a date? ❜

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You going on a date?

chapter fourteen.

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KINDLY, Camille had dropped Scarlett off at the club before heading back to the porn studio to continue her own day of work. After saying goodbye to her best friend, Scarlett trots into the clubhouse, coming to a stop as she rounds the corner and spots the majority of the Sons crowded around the bar. It had been many years since she'd seen this group of men altogether, and she couldn't help but feel some what nostalgic, as the last time she saw it, she would've been a couple feet shorter.

"Scarlett!" Tig cheers, tapping his fingers on the wood surface. He was happy she was back in Charming, she always reminded him somewhat of his two daughters who currently want nothing to do with him. When Scarlett left, it felt the same as when his own kids abandoned him too.

"Ay, Letty lass, how are you?" Chibs pulls his cigarette from his mouth and gives her a small wave.

"I'm. . . great," She answers cautiously, slowly stepping towards the bar, "You all doing some secretive shit I'm not allowed to be here for, or can I stand behind the bar and pretend to be doing my job?"

"You're fine," Clay waves his hand at her, and she slinks around Opie, who pats her back gently before she manoeuvres around Tig to stand beside Half-Sack, who's messing with the fridge. "Jax ride you back?" Clay questions, his eyes following her carefully, as the rest of the Sons quietly greet her with nods or waves.

She shakes her head, pushing herself into the creaky stool behind the bar, "No. He said he was going the long way around town. He should be back soon," The clubhouse door creaks and a set of footsteps follow, and Scarlett already knows who it before he's even in her view, "Ah, speak of the devil and he appears."

Jax rounds the corner, using the heel of his palm to brush his long hair away from his eyes. At the sight of him, Scarlett's face drops and she takes in the amount of blood soaking his hands and sleeves of his blue plaid jacket. Her jaw drops, and she's not entirely sure whether or not she should go and help him, but she stays rooted to her spot, while Opie straightens and allows Jax access to the sink by the bar.

"What the hell happened, Jackie?" Chibs asks, being the first to break the stunned silence whilst the blonde man begins to scrub at his palms.

Slightly distracted, Jax shrugs his kutte and plaid jacket off, leaving him in a white tank top, and Scarlett has to fight with her own mind to keep her thoughts sane.

Swallowing thickly, Jax begins the story. Explaining how he took the long way around town, and proceeded to come across a crashed lorry that had a man hanging out of the broken windscreen. He explains how he got the man down, a reasoning for the blood soaking his hands. Then, as he was checking out the rest of the lorry just out of pure curiosity he came across a small bag of meth just below the driver's seat.

𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐒, jax teller Where stories live. Discover now