𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚, no longer kids

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❛ We aren't kids anymore

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We aren't kids anymore.

chapter twenty.

SCARLETT LEANS forward on the bar next to Chibs, whilst he messes with a destroyed pack of cards and the rest of the club members crowd around to begin a small business trip. Surprisingly, she'd been allowed to stay for the small debrief, but Chibs had given her the glare, making sure she would keep her gob shut. Happy, a man she'd only recently come to know, stands in the middle of the group, his toned arms crossed over his chest. He's only starting wearing his SOA kutte a few weeks ago, so she knows he's newly an official member.

Clay rests against the other end of the bar, his eyes running over all of his friends to ensure they're all listening, "Our cargo's doubled. We got two heading out. Chief Unser here has been kind enough to supply us with a truck," He motions to the older man perched on a stool by the far wall.

Under jumps from his seat, striding forward with an envelope in his hand before he passes it to Happy, "Shipping manifests for two pallets of electronics. 180 pounds and 98 pounds."

Clay nods, "That oughta get you and the cargo across the Canadian border without a stop," He pushes away from the counter.

"Perfect," Happy's smoked out voice croaks in understanding.

Clay slides another envelope from his own kutte, holding it out towards the man, but it's denied, causing his brows to furrow.

"This is my gift to you. You know my mom's real sick. She's in a home in Bakersfield. I'm thinking about going nomad. I can spend some more time with her," Happy explains, his cracked voice causing him to speak quietly.

Clay's brows raise in surprise before he motions towards the meeting room, "You know there's always a seat at that table for you, my brother," He steps forward once more, engulfing Happy in a hug.

After being released by Clay, Happy turns and hugs Bobby, muttering a few words into his ear before curling his arms around Tig. He shakes hands with Opie and Luke, before pulling Chibs into his side. Before leaving completely, he sends a short nod towards Scarlett, who returns it with a smirk and a simple wave.

The first time she'd had a proper conversation with him was when he was very briefly in the clubhouse, waiting to speak to Clay. They had greeted each other before slipping into a chat about motorbikes, and she quickly learned he was a hard character but could be easily broken down if you did it correctly. If he had stayed longer, she could see them becoming good friends.

𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐒, jax teller Where stories live. Discover now