Alexandria went further into the room to see that there was nothing except his bed and his desk. She moved to his closet and saw that it resembled what the rest of his room had looked like. However, something caught her attention. She spotted something small on the very top shelf.

Alexandria grabbed the ledge of the wood and pulled herself up with ease. She quickly grabbed the small object and dropped back down onto the ground.

Her gaze softened when she got a good look at what she had found. A small, brown teddy bear with a little red bow around its neck. Alexandria recognised it immediately and dragged out a sigh. It was Lukas' old teddy bear from when he was just a toddler. It was originally her's but was passed down to Lukas after she insisted she had grown too old for stuffed toys.

She realised that Lukas probably discarded the teddy bear when he too had grown out of it. Just decided to chuck it in his closet and forgot about it the next day.

The teddy bear was covered in dirt and dust and was in need of a desperate cleaning. But Alexandria couldn't help but smile at the small plush. She held onto it tightly as she moved to the final bedroom. Her own.

As she thought back on it, she realised that it wasn't really that long ago that she lived in the room she now stood in. It wasn't long ago that the walls were littered with different posters, shelves were decorated with little trinkets and the wardrobe was filled to the brim with clothes. It wasn't that long ago, and yet it felt like a whole different lifetime to her.

Alexandria moved to sit by her old window and she looked out into the quiet neighbourhood. She remembered sitting by the window whenever she got sick of sitting at her desk for hours on end. She remembered the times she snuck in and out of her window to go hang out with friends at two in the morning.

The Sinclair sat by the window, old teddy bear in her lap as she reminisced on silly memories. It made her heart long for the simpler times, but Alexandria knew that she couldn't linger any longer.

With a deep sigh, Alexandria got up from her spot and left the room. As she walked back down the steps, the wood creaked under her shoes. Alexandria took in the small details of the house one last time before she exited out the door. She knew that there was nothing left for her there.

Alexandria walked down the porch of the house with her head hung low and teddy bear in hand. She made sure to place her black cap back on before she grabbed her car keys out of her pocket to unlock her car. But before Alexandria could take a step off the sidewalk, she heard a voice.

"Alex?" the voice called out, a voice that Alexandria hadn't heard in a while.

Alexandria shot her head to the source of the voice to see her old best friend, wearing her work uniform with a tote bag slung over her shoulder. "Maddie?" she called back in disbelief.

Madelyn Adachi. Alexandria's best friend in her old high school. One was rarely seen without the other. Madelyn was often seen as the more cheerful, outgoing one while Alexandria was the hotheaded one who got into fights. Complete opposites, but friends nonetheless.

Madelyn lit up at the sight of the Sinclair girl and came running towards her to engulf her in a quick hug. As Madelyn pulled back, a wide smile tugged at her lips. "I haven't seen you in ages! What're you doing here?"

Alexandria awkwardly laughed as she stepped back. "Just visiting. Was curious what the house looked like now, so I dropped by," she answered and Madelyn nodded.

"How've you been?" Madelyn asked.

Alexandria opened her mouth but stammered on her words. She cleared her throat as her eyes darted around the girl. "I've been alright, how about you?"

My Curse • Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now