20 1 0

(My Problems is Arrived!!!)
(Will be Continue make Another Chapter or Discontinued?)

I need Script Please Help...

Chat me or PM
If Anyone Found the Good Script
Like mine


Jaspher: Hey

Readers: Hi.

They Both shakes hands.

Jaspher: Nice to meet you.

Readers: Nice to meet you too.

This is what they like if any script found like this with Name and Script.

I need Help...😭

I need Script Please... So My Hands/Fingers can Rest.


"Let's Get Dangerous! (Part 1 and Part 2)"

"Escape from the Impossibin!"

"New God's on the Block!"

"The First Adventure!"

"The Fight for Castle McDuck!"

"How Santa stole Christmas!"

"Beaks in the Shell!"

"The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!"

"The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck!"

"The Last Adventure!"


DuckTales 'Life is Like a Hurricane' {Adopted Big Brother OC} (ON HOLD)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu