Moonvasion! Part 2

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Cuts to the Duckburg streets. Two
Moonlanders survey the area while
a vehicle burns and a rocket flies
overhead. Gibbous and four
Moonlanders have rounded up four
civilians: a male duck, a male dog
and two female dogs who are in
golden handcuffs. The camera
moves up to Lil Bulb peaking behind
a Waddle billboard. Lil Bulb waves
to the other Bulbs and they run in
different directions. One Bulb is
nervous and Lil Bulb slaps it before
hugging it. The Bulb salutes and
runs off. Lil Bulb watches the bulb
running across the street. In the sky
the Cloudslayer/Sunchaser flies

Cut to the limousine garage Launchpad is having trouble starting his limousine.

Launchpad: C'mon! [The engine doesn't start and Launchpad frantically moves the wheel Mr. McDee needs me! Why won't this start?! [Camera shows the limousene has fire coming off] Oh,

Two Moonlanders arrive while
Launchpad struggles with the
engine. One Moonlander startles
Launchpad and prepares to fire his
laser gun when a smoke flash stops

Darkwing Duck:  [Walking through the purple smoke] l am the terror that flaps in the night. [Poses while the smoke clears I am the scream you can
hear in space! I am-

Moonlander Soldier 1: [off-screen] Anything dangerous in there?

Camera shows one Moonlander
soldier walking to his ocomrades

Moonlander Soldier 2: Nah. Just some purple weirdo. Move out!

Darkwing Duck: [Provoked to the running Moonlander soldiers] Whaddyamean, purple weirdo?!

Launchpad: [Gets out of the limousene and sees who just saved his life] Darkwing! You saved me!

A Lil bulb clone runs to the garage.

Scrooge: (Radioing in) This is Scrooge
McDuck, calling all forces to the bin!

Darkwing Duck: [While the bulb climbs onto the limousinel Ah, a call to action. The city needs a savior, and--

Scrooge: [Through the Lil Bulb radiol Repeat, all forces to the Bin.

Darkwing Duck: Good idea. You be my ears so l can focus on defending the people.

Cuts to Gizmoduck lifting some
debris for a dog civilian to escape
while another Lil Bulb runs to

Scrooge: (Radioing) This is Scrooge McDuck, calling all forces to the Bin!

Gizmoduck notices the bulb.

Cut to a playground where Lena is holding onto one of the bulbs and gasps. She stays hidden
from two Moonlander soldiers. One rocket-like playset reads "Duck". A purple Moonlander aims but finds nothing.

Cut to the Duckburg Public Library. Five Moonlander soldiers are walking by. A Lil Bulb races inside. Inside at the desk are a pile of books.

Scrooge: (Radioing) This is Scrooge Mcduck
calling all forces to the-

Quackfaster with a green book on her head and Violet see the bulb out of curiosity.

Cut to the rooftops, one Lil Bulb clone is running across and raises it arms while Gibbous takes it in his hands.

Gibbous: What the craters is this?

Huey: [Radioing on the Lil Bulb] Huey to Uncle Scrooge. Our top secret
mission is underway. Good thing
this is a secure line, or the
Moonlanders would know were in E-

The Lil Bulb clone spins its light bulb loose and it falls to the street, shattering while Gibbous is confused.

Gibbous: What the Craters is this?

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