The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!

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Inn manager: Five hundred years ago, Spanish explorer Ponce de León set out to find the Fabled Fountain of the Foreverglades said to grant youth to all who drink from it. The fountain may be a legend, but you can experience the rejuvenation of youth here at the Conquistador Inn where the years simply melt away.

Springbreaker: Spring Break! Woo!

ScroogeSpring: Break? Boo! Youth is wasted on the young.

Webby: Aw c'mon, Uncle Scrooge. I'm sure these teens have had a very difficult academic year and deserve to blow off steam.

Scrooge: At their age, I couldn't afford to blow off steam. I had to use it to turn my Uncle Porthole's steamboat because I had a job.

Louie: Wait, if you hate young people, why are we staying at a hotel full of them?

Scrooge: Because, it's near the last known location of the Fountain of the Foreverglades.

Huey: Which is the next missing mystery of Isabella Finch.ScroogeAlso it was cheap.

Springbreaker: Spring Break!

Jaspher: There he goes again.

Inn manager: Along with a great price, we offer a world-class spa and a crystal clear pool for the whole family, all surrounded by (sound of spring breakers screaming) casual elegance.

Webby: C'mon, let's go! That youth fountain ain't getting any younger!

Scrooge: Ach! My back is killing me. I need to ice it and prep for a morning start. Do not disturb me.

Jaspher: A free afternoon, eh? Luckily, I've scheduled it down to the minute.

Dewey: How? You just found out we had a free afternoon!

Scrooge: Good thinking, lad. Jaspher's and Huey's in charge. He's oldest.

Dewey: We are triplets! They both always in charge.

Huey: We better change into our suits if we're going to fit in a swim before lunch.

Dewey: Stupid being second oldest.

Scrooge: Now for a little peace and... grr Kno-

Goldie: Knock it off, you pool-floatin' showboaters! (To Scrooge) Fancy meeting me here.

opening theme!

Webby: Goldie O'Gilt!

Jaspher: Wait, You knew this Woman?

Webby: Yes, Scrooge's old flame from his Gold Rush days.

Scrooge: No, no, no, no!

Goldie: Oh yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!

Scrooge: What are you doing here, you savings swindling swine?

Goldie: Definitely not jumping your claim to the fountain before you.

Webby: But that's not... you... that's cheating!

Goldie: No I believe that's (mocking Scrooge) workin' smarter while you work harder, eh Scrooogey?

Scrooge: Without Finch's journal, you'll never find the...

Goldie: (presents the journal) Your nephew should really hold on to his hat. Now, hold on to yours. (shouting) The old guy's giving out free t-shirts!


Scrooge: Unhand me! Ah! (runs while his suitcase opens and all his coats spill out)

Jaspher: What about the boys?

Scrooge: No time! If Goldie beats me to that fountain, I'll have to hear about it for the next hundred years!

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