Found You!

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At The Night.

Toy Freddy and I was on our Date Tonight. We're sitting on the Grass.

Jaspher: So, Toy Freddy. How's your Day with your Boyfriend?

I make him a Blushed.

Toy Freddy: I-its amazing! *Blushing*

Jaspher: Aw, You so Cute when you Blushing. (Kissed on Toy Freddy cheeks.)

Toy Freddy: I Love staying here with My Love.

I Blushed his comment. Toy Freddy chuckled.

Toy Freddy: Oho! Looks someone Blushing here.

Jaspher: (Punch Toy Freddy arm Playful) Shut Up.

We're Laughing then we heard the Cruise Honking sounds and then We look at where we heard then finally saw it. I was Realize that Ride Cruise, It was Dreadbear!

Jaspher: Oh no, He's here.

Toy Freddy: Wait, who?

The Cruise Door opened then Dreadbear's Allies getting out of the Cruise.

Jaspher: We need to Hide.

Toy Freddy: What, Why-

Jaspher: I'll explain later.

I grabbed Toy Freddy's hand then we running away from Dreadbear and his Allies. We hiding anywhere in DuckBerg City.


Dreadbear: Well, We're Welcoming to DuckBerg City! And I'm here to Take My Love, My Bride!

FunTime Freddy: Are you Sure we can find him around here this place.

Dreadbear: Of course We can!

(A/N: Oops! Funtime Freddy is Here now! Sorry if you hate it! But FunTime Freddy is Cute)

Funtime Freddy: Hey, Bonbon. Find this Dreadbear's Bride. (Show to Bonbon the Picture Of Jaspher).

(A/N. BonBon is not Puppet, he's a Fury and Funtime Freddy's Pet. and Little. And not even talk. Sorry, if you hate it too!).

BonBon run away to find Jaspher. And Of course, All Dreadbear's Allies is finding Jaspher too.

-Jaspher and Toy Freddy-

Toy Freddy: Okay, Tell me what's going on.

Jaspher: *sigh* I'm his Bride- But of Course not! *Sigh* Long Story, Your two Brothers and I went to the Cape Suzette and meet him up there because he knows about my Parents then he tied your Brother and me, but he has Condition about I will stay with him and then we dance crazy and I tried to get my Parents Journal Book, then now we're escape by Golden Freddy using his Teleport.

Toy Freddy: I'm glad you okay.

Jaspher: Just worry about your Brothers, Don't worry about me.

I held two Toy Freddy's hand.

I heard the Motorcycles is getting noise, It's Coming closer.

D. Allies 1: Hey! Is that Boss Bride?

D. Allies 2: Yeah, He is! Let's get him!

They're starting the Motorcycles to towards us.

Toy Freddy: We need to go!

Jaspher: Leave it to me.

Toy Freddy: Jaspher?

I used my power is slime then place to the Ground..

DuckTales 'Life is Like a Hurricane' {Adopted Big Brother OC} (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن