The Ballad of Duke Baloney!

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Glomgold: Where are you going? You're my shadow, you hear? Curse you, me!

In the Fishers

Mann: Hey, Fisher , get a load of this?

Fisher: Huh, that's the fourth weirdest thing we've caught today.

Glomgold: Get your fish hands off me you filthy fisherman!

Mann: Whoa, whoa, whoa, fisher person...

Fisher: I mean, your name is Mann, Mann.

Glomgold: Enough! Don't you know who I am?

Fisher: No, who are you?

Glomgold: I-! I don't know...

Opening Theme'

In the News!

Roxanne Featherly: Four months after the mysterious disappearrance of it's CEO, Glomgold Industries is finally under new, not crazy, management. She's dynamic, she's exciting, she's never threatened revenge on anyone. She's Zan Owlson .

Owlson: Um, hi everyone! Happy to--

Roxanne: Top of her class at Mouseton's School of Business, Owlson founded the global charity, Change for Chicks. She's a formidable replacement for failed former leader, Flintheart Glomgold.

Owlson: We cut unnecessary departments, like.... harebrained schemes, mindless revenge... The company was spending a lot of money on sharks.

Roxanne: Owlson is even forming a new charity along with the company's chief rival, McDuck Enterprises.

Owlson: It's time this company put people above profits. Here at the new Glomgold Industries, our community is the greatest treasure of all.

Cut to the Duckburg habor, Jaspher, Webbyand Louie are going on a boat trip.

Webby: Ah, fishing. The noble struggle of man versus nature...

Louie: The you two gently rowing me around for several hours while I nap...

Jaspher: (rolled his eyes) The jumping and throwing of pointy sticks!

I gave Webby the trident.

Webby: HYAH!

The fish out out water.

Jaspher: I got it! I got it!

But the fish landed to Louie.

Louie: Gah! Ew, gross! Can't you guys just use these? [Points to fishing rods.]

Webby: Sure, but no rusty fish hook is complete without-

???: Bait! Get your bait here!

We went where we heard that guy then we saw lifting the chopping knife and it was Flintheart Glomgold!

Jaspher, Louie and Webby: AAAH! GLOMGOLD!

Glomgold: [With a South African accent] Hello, children! Bait for sale? Buy seven tentacles, the eighth is free. Buckets of savings.

Jaspher, Louie and Webby: Uh... Glomgold?

Webby: What's with the South African accent? 

Jaspher: Why is your posture so good and What's on your face?

DuckTales 'Life is Like a Hurricane' {Adopted Big Brother OC} (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora