"Alright fellas," Raven whispered, her voice barely audible over the sounds of the camp. "Here's what we're going to do. We're going to burn down the tents, cause havoc, and steal whatever we can find. Remember, we want to make a statement here. Let's not kill anyone if we can help it. But if they try to stop us, don't hesitate."

The rebels nodded, their face filled with determination. As each spread apart, some gathered and yelled, "Freedom! We want freedom!"

The words echoed through the camp as Raven leapt onto a pile of crates, her torch held high above her head. The rebels surged forward, moving like a wave towards the tents where the soldiers slept. The sounds of shouting and shouting filled the air, waking up everyone immediately.

The flames from the torches licked at the canvas, spreading quickly as the rebels continued on their way.

Quickly alarmed, the soldiers held out their weapons, targeting the rebels. The rebels however, were fierce and brave. They lunged forward, some shot back, some burnt down as many tents as they could.

Sounds of gunshots and flame cracklings filled the air, the smoke growing vivid in the sky.

The rebels changed their route to the building where military experiments took place. They barged in, beating up the unprepared guards and looting everything they could find. They set the building on fire, making everyone and everything mad. Even the air was mad, a strong heat wind started to blow all the way around.

And then, from the biggest tent, appeared the general himself, "What in the world?!" He growled, shocked at the view in front if him.

The rebels fought with the soldiers, some using their primitive weapons, some their makeshift tools, some with their amo. The soldiers were trained and disciplined, but the rebels were fighting for a cause they believed in.

"Damnit!" The general growled, "What the fuck is this? Crush it down!" He ordered his officers who were as equally shocked as him, "Go and put out the fire on the base! Now!" They took quick action, gathering with more soldiers, taking heavier, stronger amo as well as reinforcements to put out the fire.

The soldiers fought back, but the rebels held their ground, refusing to give up.

Regan, who was wandering around, her heartbeats out of place, decided to interrupt. She didn't want them to die. Jack and Iris were nothing to be seen.

She managed to cast a protective shield on most of the rebels and she hit the soldiers with fire, knocking them out.

As she moved around the chaos, she saw Raven who was fighting physically with a soldier. She hastily approached her, "Raven, we don't want others to get killed. Maybe if we both protest to the general, we can make him surrender. I have some surprise for him." She shouted as she showed her hands that glew with vivid burning fire.

Raven looked at her in surprise, "You can control fire?" She asked, impressed. Regan nodded.

"Alright, let's go." She said as she shoved the soldier away. They made their way through the chaos of the camp, pushing past rebels and soldiers alike. The general was still in the middle of the biggest tent, shouting orders and trying to organize his men.

When they reached the tent, Raven and Regan burst inside. Raven held a shotgun in her hand, while Regan wasn't holding anything. She had a dagger but she knew it wasn't necessary to use it now. The general looked up, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw Regan.

"You!" He growled, "You are a traitor!"

"No, you're the traitor, general!" Raven shouted back instead, "You've been oppressing us for too long! We want our freedom, and we'll fight for it!"

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