Something touched my shoulder. I yelped and saw Anzide. There was so much fear on his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," he whispered as he hugged me.

Behind him, pacing the floor, was my father. He looked just as frantic.

"Where was I?"

"Not the Vestibule." Carsten offered.

He helped me off the floor, but as soon as I stood, I felt pain in my stomach. I winced, doubling over.

"The trauma might have brought on labor," Carsten murmured to Anzide.

I looked up at the ceiling that was almost repaired.

"Your mother was there. She helped me escape."

"It wouldn't have been my mother. She's living a great life serving,"

"Sharma," I whispered, putting the locket in his hand.

The crack was still open, and the pitiless black called me, demanding that I stand up and fight the battle that I'd begun. Carsten stepped in front of me, blocking the view.

"Evelyn, listen to me, not anything else. Focus on me and my words. Ignore everything else, and if you feel a connection, sever it now."

"He wants the land of the outcasts to stay in the portal."

I could feel my legs giving out from underneath me. Anzide held me up as the tears from the pain rolled down my cheeks.

"Why is it so important to him?"

"We will find out, Evelyn. Ignore what is going on and tell me about your friend Karina."

"She's so sweet. A bundle of energy that finds something positive despite everything that has happened."

"And what about the new guy, Cooper?"

"Fiercely protective of me,"

Mother appeared, looking frantic as she stared at me. Her eyes turned to Carsten, and pushed him aside.

"Where is it?"

"Where is what? I don't understand."

"Were you given anything?"

I nodded, pulling out the note. Mother took it, and I looked at Anzide, gesturing to the locket.

"Drop it before it consumes you."

Anzide dropped the locket onto the floor. Mother placed the note at the top of her staff and then used the tip of the wood to lift the chain. She returned to the group of beings who were struggling to close the crack. Standing below the crack, Mother turned, and with a flick of the staff, the objects were sent flying.

I couldn't see them, but the crack was soon repaired.

The pain subsided, but it wasn't over. Delray appeared, looking like he'd spent too many hours sunbaking under a blisteringly hot sun. He was angry at me but stopped when I gripped my father's jacket, dragging him closer to me.

"I cast a spell at Belial. It was red." I whispered.

Carsten turned to look at Mother, who had returned to his side. With a flick of her staff, Delray was cuffed in glowing bonds.

"An investigation will begin immediately," Mother announced loudly. "Take Evelyn to the infirmary to ensure she is alright. Benicio will collect your statement, and Carsten will remain as your counsel to ensure that your rights are adhered to. The portal will remain locked until this matter is settled."

Anzide lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on as tightly as I could manage. There was no time to think, but I could have lost this. Just a moment in his embrace.

The Trouble with HadesWhere stories live. Discover now