Chapter 29

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It was Saturday, and I was grateful for a day to do nothing. I'd woken late, feeling woozy and not interested in getting out of bed. Usually, Brad would say something, but I think that he's decided to take a step back at the moment. Not only was I pregnant and could suffer morning sickness at any moment but I'd come out of the meeting at the portal with less than good news.

I could say that I only had myself to blame, which was the truth, but I knew that my father was right. They'd set me up to fall. It was rather pathetic, but I wasn't going to say anything more about it. I'd given up. The reality of it was that I had bigger issues to deal with. Drakkus was still walking around with his head attached to his neck, I had to get through school, I was about to have a baby and it was almost Christmas.

I groaned, and Anzide turned to look at me.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to ask about Christmas."

He thought about it for a moment as he walked away from the door to my side. Leaning on the edge of the bed, Anzide had an inquisitive smile.

"That's the religious holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. I didn't think you were religious."

"How can I not be? I'm a biblical creature."

"Well, technically, you're classed as an eternal, not a biblical creature. That term is used when talking to immortals and the mortals who are aware of us. Would you celebrate it the way that someone in the portal might, or would you adhere to the traditions of this world? Because they are not the same."

"The portal and I are no longer friends. And not the same how?"

"Well, for one, the jolly man in the red suit. The milk and cookies are strange, but I get the carrot for the reindeer. Of course, one carrot for nine reindeer is a bit stingy. I guess it could be counteracted by stating that they would eventually get one but then he'd have to remember which ones were waiting and I would have thought he'd have enough on his plate. The tale about Rudolph is curious. Has anyone else said that those bullies were gaslighting him?"

I gave a vague shrug, unable to answer.

"I wasn't aware that reindeer could fly."

"It's magic," I offered.

Anzide looked at me like I was the crazy one. As if.

"Sure it is. Then we could go onto how it's curious that the gifts are given for someone else's birthday."

"Okay, captain bringdown, the party is dead, and it's time for you to leave."

"I'm only partway through my research on the subject."

"Of course you are. Please don't kill Easter. I like chocolate."

His eyebrows raised, and his eyes widened with the obvious wonder that was growing.

"That does sound interesting. I would like to know the connection between the resurrection and chocolate."

I huffed, rolling my eyes. At least I could still buy chocolate on an ordinary day.

"Can I ask you something?"

Warily, I sat up and slid down from the bunk bed. I didn't go far, the world began to sway, and I sat down out of fear that I'd fall over.

"That sounds ominous."

Anzide sat down beside me, offering a vague shrug.

"Say it's three thousand years into the future, and this world is not like it is today. Humanity has become extinct, and with that, the vampires go by the wayside as well."

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