Bonus Chapter 2: Lela & Levi

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After the dozens of photos that were ordered to be taken, Karina glowered at her mother. Poor Nora was being given a lot of suggestions, and it was escalating into an argument. Even when she was in front of the camera with Karina, orders were being barked. Brad was becoming a monster.

Since it was out in the open that Nora was pregnant, the soon-to-be father was doting on her to the point where Karina said it was like watching someone get smothered. Niko intervened. Now, things were still intense, but the first time father had taken a step back and accepted that Nora was only a few months pregnant. The labor was a long way off, and like all mothers, Nora was doing a great job at growing a healthy baby.

As for this nightmare, it was the night of the winter ball. The Christmas holidays were just around the corner, and as a celebration, the school was holding this event.

We were all dressed up for photos in the new house. It was an interesting sight because Karina was the only one who wasn't pregnant. The rest of us were either showing, had a slight pot belly or looked like a beached whale. Yep, I was huge, and I still had a couple of weeks to go.

Eda and Julian walked in the front door with Cooper. While they began taking their photos, I waddled to the kitchen for a breather and to find the antacids. Taking one, I stuffed the packet into Anzide's pocket.

He offered a sympathetic smile.

"Want to know who the culprit is?"


Placing his hands on my belly, Anzide closed his eyes and searched.

"It's our little man. He's riding high and pushing everything up."

"Yay. Tell them to move down a fraction."

"Can't. There's no room in there."

"I know. I can feel my organs being squished into oblivion."

Julian called out to us. Apparently, the limousine had arrived. I began the slow waddle through the living room that was partially furnished. We were running out of time and I couldn't decide what I liked. Anzide didn't make it any easier. If I pointed something out, he'd say that it was great or it would work well in the room. I wanted definitive answers for one or two items. Not everything that we looked at.

Reaching the garden steps, I lifted the soft pink lace of my dress with one hand and held Anzide's arm with the other. It was a gorgeous dress that Beatrice pointed out. The split over one leg was a little too high, but she put a few stitches into it and fixed the problem.

I was eased into the back of the limousine to a chorus of have fun and behave ourselves. As if I could do anything else with this giant mound in front of me.

Karina and Cooper were behind us, eager to start the night. I was eager, too, provided that the heartburn stopped. As for how long I would last, only time would tell. Of late, my bedtime has been regular. Nine pm, on the dot. I was alert one minute and drowsy the next. I'd go to bed, and within seconds of my head hitting the pillow, I would be asleep. Of course, it wouldn't last long. The lack of space meant that I had a smaller bladder capacity.

Cooper was such a goofball. He was at the far end of the limo with Karina, annoying her with the layers of black tulle around the skirt of her dress. She was giggling despite the frown she was trying to give.

Her dress was gorgeous. Perhaps a little risque with the low back and sweetheart neckline, but with any luck, the thin straps across her back will hold.

It didn't take long to reach the town hall where the ball was being held. The red carpet spanned the entire length of the path that led to the front door. Through the window, I could see the flash of the photographer. Once we had our photo taken, it would be time to celebrate the end of this journey.

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