Chapter 48

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It was game night. Not so much a game night in the terms of battling against other teams but a friendly round against a high school football team from a neighboring town. Beatrice told us that they were doing a lot of raffles, and it was the Heritage Trust's job to sell tickets to the crowd as they entered the gates. The proceeds of the tickets would go to a few charities.

I had a list of the prizes which Beatrice had given me. She said that I could try and win something if I wanted. Beatrice even pointed out a couple of businesses that she thought I might like to check out, some before the birth and some after. At the moment, I was eyeing off the spa pamper package. I'd happily soak my feet for a few minutes. I might fall asleep, but at least I'd be relaxed.

Because Cooper was on the team, we were going to the game to support him. As much as I didn't want to go near the football field, it was slightly better now that Kannon had been booted out of the school. Audrey was now secretly on my side, so she wouldn't be making her snide comments anymore. So, I guess going to the football field wasn't so bad now.

It was also the town fair, so there would be plenty of things to do after the football match. I was eager to get out into the town that usually had a bedtime of sunset and see what it was like during the evening. The most I'd seen was looking out the window at the bed and breakfast before we moved here.

Main Street had been blocked off from early this morning as vendors set up their stalls. The park near the town center would have lots of rides and a sideshow alley. I have never been to a fair, so it was obvious that I was excited to go.

My mother never cared to go to one and probably didn't have the money for it either. She seemed intent on never spending the inheritance. When I was younger, I found it disappointing, but as the years passed, I gave up hoping that she'd take me. Now, I was going to take myself.

Seated on the chair, I pulled my shirt tight over my belly. By the time the next town fair rolled around, these babies would almost be a year old. It was a crazy thought, one that I was excited and scared about. A year into this new life. Would it be good or average? I hope that by this time next year, I will be accustomed to life with twins, and maybe we could take them to the fair. It definitely had to happen, if only to put the pram to use and maybe get out of the house. Was I worried that we'd be a pair of zombies? Yep.

Beatrice's alter ego was a part of the Heritage Trust, so she was rostered on to attend to duties early in the evening. She said that she'd picked that time knowing that once everyone was through the gate, she would be free to enjoy the night. Her job would be done, she could sit with us for the remainder of the game, and when it was over, she could wander around the fair with us.

Niko had decided to remain here rather than going out to feed. He figured that everyone would go to the fair so the pickings would be slim or intoxicated. So, he had a stack of swatches on the table, ready to be gone through. I think he secretly liked the idea of building and decorating a new home. It didn't make it any easier, but it had lessened the anguish I felt.

"Well, I'm off."

Beatrice lifted her bag onto her shoulder. With a kiss goodbye to Niko, she changed into her alter ego and began to walk out of the rear section of the marquee.

"You guys want a lift?"

"Not me, I'm going with Nora, who will be here any second."

"Or us. I think Karina would be heartbroken if she didn't get to cram into the backseat of the car with us."

Natalia chuckled, and with a wave, she was out the door. A wave of aftershave floated with Brad, and I coughed.

"Good Lord, Bradley. Are you trying to make the woman sick, or are you hiding that you didn't shower?"

The Trouble with HadesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon