Chapter 2

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James leaned back in his seat, smiling with a shrug.

"Was it wrong to invite them?"

"No, but,"

"But what, Evelyn? They're vampires. Nora wants to know that her daughter is safe when she feeds because Karina has expressed an interest in doing it by herself. At eighteen, it is only natural for a young vampire to yearn for a little freedom."

"I just meant that it seems like you're trying to find a friend for me."

"Well, it wasn't intentional, but I suppose it seems like it was. I made a list of what I wanted for this town. At the moment, my primary focus is to assist the true leader of Hades without actually helping. One aspect of that is to provide support through other people, in this case, vampires. I went searching, and I found Nora. We sat down and discussed the situation and what my expectations were."

"It wasn't a standard lure?"

"No. As I said, I have a primary focus at the moment. It serves a purpose for me, too. Vampires feed, and the departed always find a way to the demon that is waiting for them, regardless of how they die. That list is completed, Evelyn. I have the paranormal residents that I believe will help you in this war. That leaves me with nothing to do, and I detest boredom. So, with that in mind, I would like to return to our conversation regarding the lures. Before that, I must apologize for not stopping by to say hello to Niko. I was a little distracted by the list, but I will visit soon."

"I'll let him know."

"Thank you. Now, Nora has taken over the vacant position at the real estate agent. It might interest you to know that they have also found a cute little house in the next street from your place. Just a short walk through a path between the two properties."

That was rather convenient. It made me wonder if I'd given off lonely vibes. I wasn't trying to, but maybe I had been. Brad might have had something to do with this. He was always droning on about me making a friend. Yes, it definitely reeks of his nonsense.

"And the other paranormals you mentioned?"

"Oh, just the standard people," he said with a vagueness that I found curious.

"Hiding something, James?"

He smiled. "Always. Fear not, Evelyn. I only invite paranormals who are aligned with my interests. Any in this town that are not that way were the ones invited by Hannah at her master's request. The vile little demon is gone, but we cannot do anything about the legacy she has left behind. The vermin will emerge in the days after the war is over, and those loyal to the Corbin clan will see to their demise or departure."

I looked at James and wondered if he was creating a coven for me. We weren't sure who could be trusted in this town, so he was going elsewhere. Bringing in fresh blood was a good idea. It was also great that he had them lining up to be a member of the Corbin coven, provided that they were actually being honest.

"Now, as I said to you previously, I'd like to modernize Hades just a little. I know that you've agreed to it, and I will be mindful not to attract too many humans. When we discussed the new agreement, I stated what I'd like, but you did not offer anything, believing that you had nothing to offer me. It is a technicality, and I can ignore it if I choose, but I believe in friendly relations with all, especially the leader. I don't have to ask you to throw a lure out, but I want your permission. You've given that, and now I feel indebted to you. I've given this a lot of thought, Evelyn. When I approached you with the alteration to the first agreement, I believed that you'd ask that I repair the house. Your request to repair Niko was commendable, and I understand why you requested it. The problem that I have is that if Niko was left alone, he wouldn't have almost died. You would have continued on, and if things had returned to the path that your life was on, you still would have destroyed the house."

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