Chapter 49

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The forest was sparser than the one behind our property. Instead of vegetation around the trees, it was mostly leaf litter. It appeared as if the area was maintained.

Drakkus stopped when figures emerged from behind the trees. There were a lot of vampires waiting for us.

"Evie," Cooper whispered. "I have a present for you."

I looked at him and saw his family.

"Did a location drop with a nine-one-one message. Ready to see some wolfy action?"

"Uh, sure. Just remember that I have to kill Drakkus to end the blood war."'

"We know, and we're only here to thin the herd."

Cooper stepped out of our little lineup to the amusement of our enemies. His father and two brothers also joined him. Their clothes began to rip from their bodies as the skin rippled. Fur emerged, and their faces changed shape, elongating to snouts.

As the growls that sounded remarkably like delight came from four werewolves, a collective gasp passed between the vampires in front of us. Cooper howled, and most of the vampires took off. All except Kannon and his parents. I shot a bind out at them and pulled the three of them to the nearest trees, pinning them to the trunks.

Cooper remained, but his brothers and father took off after the fleeing vampires. Drakkus was horrified, clearly misjudging the company I kept. He knew they were werewolves, so why did he look like he'd seen a ghost? Had he never seen one in the flesh before? They were huge. I understood why Cooper, his brothers, and their father were tall. The werewolf alter ego was even taller. And broad, too. They towered over us.

Teeth gnashed, drool dripped. It was scary to see Cooper in his alter ego, but I knew that I was safe. I didn't fear him.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned to see Carsten and Nora.

"Good evening, Evelyn. I see that you're ready to end the war. Your delivery is waiting for the cue to approach. I will be here should you need support or guidance, but I will remain hands-off unless you are in dire distress. This is your show, and I will take from your guidance. Good luck, and remember what we have discussed."

He leaned down to whisper.

"And your other delivery is waiting for your final blow. Be ready for it."

Carsten lifted upright again and smiled at me.

"Go get him, tiger. I believe in you."

Stepping forward, I wiped my clammy hands on my jeans and prayed this went well. As much as I'd practiced this moment with Niko, I was worried that I would screw it up.

"I, Evelyn Newton, leader of the Corbin clan and the rightful ruler of the town of Hades, make a claim under the code of vampires that you, Drakkus Fleming, have broken numerous laws that include the crime of murdering your own kind. Punishment for said crimes is instant death, administered by the ruler of this town. Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"Well, I think that you should at least prove that I have, in fact, murdered vampires. Where is your list, Evelyn? You don't have one, do you? Why is that? It's because I have never murdered anyone."

"You're wrong. I have a witness that says differently."

This was the gift that my father brought to the battle. The only way that we could guarantee that we could get her to wherever we needed her with such little time was with the help of my father.

Audrey stepped out from the line that was hiding her. Kannon's eyes widened when he saw her.

"I present Miss Audrey Hartley, who has agreed to give evidence. Please state what you saw, Audrey."

The Trouble with Hadesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें