Chapter. 44

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"Then what's hurting you?" I asked still confused.

"Telling cam she cant have her, I'm keeping the baby" she looked into my eyes that quickly grew wide.

"W-what-?" I whispered "Faith..."

"Arden I understand if this is too much for you" she cried way harder "but I need to do this. I love you so much and If you want to leave thats okay. I'm nearly 20 you're almost 21. We're both young and I've chosen to do this but if you want to go its okay" she cried and I pulled her into me

"I'm not leaving.. I'm never leaving" I kissed her head "Faith are you sure this is what you want, this is a big decision" I looked at her.

"I'm sure" she nodded "I want to raise my daughter. I want to be a mommy" she replied.

"Then I'll stand by you. I want to marry you Faith, I've said it so many times and maybe now isn't the time but I do want to marry you. I'll stick by you and this baby and I'll do my damn best job at making sure your both happy"

"I know you will" she smiled "I know.... Am I making the right decision?" She asked

"I think so" I softly smiled back and she leaned into place a kiss to my lips.

"What do I tell Camila and Cara?" She exhaled heavily as I stood up.

"They'll understand, trust me" I hugged her already knowing things she didn't.

"Okay" she mumbled into my chest.

"Youre gonna be a mommy" I sang into her ear gaining a chuckle.

"You are too" she whispered back and I stopped for a second a big smile breaking out on my face. I didn't even know if she'd want to give me that title but it seemed like she was open to it and I was very happy with it.

Yes we're young and we've been together a whole year but in that year I've never connected and been through so much with one person before. Im in love with Faith, she is the love of my life.


"We're home" I announced as we arrived into my parents house. Ever since I made the decision to keep the baby and tell Arden about it I've been really happy. I still have to tell my parents and Camila and Cara which is making me anxious but overall I'm really happy.

I decided that I'd do it tonight. I was gonna make dinner for my parents and Arden and I were gonna sit down with them and tell them everything. I also wanted to tell my mom about what Aria had said to me the other night in the bedroom.

"Faaaaaaith" Regan's roar could be heard from the other side of the house and even though it took her five minutes to get to me I was excited.

"Hey" I knelt down and she jumped into my arms "I missed you so much" I kissed her cheeks over and over.

She giggled and jumped out of my arms "rosey rosey rosey" she called for arden. I smiled at the cute nickname she had for my girlfriend and watched as Arden engulfed her in a massive hug. This was my future.

"Hey how was the trip" my mom walked into the foyer with a smile.

"It was overall good" I chuckled hugging her.

"Why what happened?"She chuckled

" I'll explain later" I smiled "but I'll let you know Ariana is convinced she's a lesbian now"

"Lesbian, lesbian lesbian" Regan ran around us singing over and over.

"Sounds interesting..Hey quieten down daddy is sleeping" mom playfully hit regans arm before hugging Arden.

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