Chapter. 24

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Arden's POV.

Sometimes in life people are taken away before the even get a chance to live their lives. People you've met once, family members and friends and the pain of losing someone can be terrible but when it comes to the ones you fall in love with the pain is unbearable. The thought of living a life without them isn't even something you'd consider. They're gone and you want nothing more than to die. Your heart burns.and your head pounds like it's about to crack your skull. Your body is numb and you're paralysed. The only feeling you have is the aching of your broken heart. Could there be anything else worse than that feeling? Yes. The worst part is before. Before they leave. Some people might not ever feel this because a majority of the time you don't know when the person you love is gonna leave. You plan for a life. You plan on where you wanna gwt marries. What kind of car or house you'll have or what color you're gonna paint the nursery for your first baby . So when you know they're leaving, when you have to sit and watch them fade away while you still have all these plans, that is when you will feel the worst pain. You've got no control over anything. All you can do is wait and see what happens. That's where life's left me. I'm 18 years old sitting in a hospital waiting room while the dearest person in my life is in a surgery room getting patched back together.

6 hours Earlier....
i awoke to my Phone buzzing on the other side of my bed. It was only 7:30.

Groaning loudly i threw myself across and picked it up. I found  Ariana on the other end. She was crying and I was really confused.

"Ariana what's wrong sweetie?" I spoke softly. I knew that with everything that was going on with her she was bound to break.

"Its Faith" my heart dropped and I began to shake. The silence that came after was deafening and I felt like I was waiting hours until she spoke again "she was jumped after work and she's in the hospital and it doesn't look good" she whaled and I dropped the phone my hands trembling as I tried to process what was said.

I picked up my phone again and spoke "where is she?" I managed to croak.

"St.Josephs" Ariana replied

"where are you?" I asked

"I'm at the hospital" she mumbled

"I'll be ten minutes" I hung up and that was when the rush began. I slipped on my shoes and literally ran for the door. I arrived at the hospital in just under ten minutes wearing my pyjamas.

"Arden" Ariana walked towards me as I got out of the car.

"What happened, what's happening?" I cried for the first time since I'd gotten the news. It was just hitting me. Her arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace.

"It was the same people, from before from London" she whispered.

I walked past her and into the hospital I then released I had no clue  where I was going and then Ari took my hand and led me to everyone.

My entrance was something that they all saw and their faces were something I'll never forget. The look of hurt and desperation. Her grandparents were seated together. Her grandma was praying while her granpa rubbed her back in circles. Dallas, Marissa and Maddie were all crying and Demi sat in between Caleb and Wilmer, her head was buried into his chest. That was until Wilmer patted her and she looked up at me. Without any hesitation she ran to me wrapping me up and I couldn't breath. I couldn't move but I didn't want to.

It was then when I felt Demis touch and her smell invaded my nkateila that I broke down because it felt like Faith and I think that I might never get to hold her again broke me.

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours. Both of us were just crying and it wasn't until Demi went to the hall to talk to someone that I finally asked Wilmer how she was and ever since here I am, the same spot for the last 6 hours jsur waiting on some news.


"Valderrama?" The doctors voice echoed through the private waiting room we were all situated in.My head sprung up and Wilmer and Demi were up in a flash.

"Your daughter is just out of surgery and is now back in her room. We've managed to stop the bleeding in her lungs and remove all the splinters and her ribs should heal. Her stab wounds have been stitched but the trauma to her head was severe and im sorey to say that she still hasn't woken up"

Demi cried even harder and Wilmer held her tight. I stumped back and collapses down onto a chair. I let my head fall to my hands, gripping my hair tight as I let out quiet tears. Why would someone do this? Faith is the most caring and loving person. She has a heart of gold and doesn't deserve this. "can we see her?" Wilmer asked quickly and my head shot back up along with my body.

"Yes" the doctor looked around but only immediate family please.
My heart sunk and I felt my tears begin to fall again but Wilmer called me.

"Caleb,Arden" he spoke and I looked at him confused.

"Immediate?" The doctor raised his eyebrow.

"Yes brother and sister" Wilmer said firmly.

"Okay"  the doctor sighed eyeing me up. I'm defiantly not Latina but who gives a fuck.

I was holding Caleb's hand as we walked into the room. They said we could see her but there wasn't that much to see. Her face was bandaged and you couldn't make out her features. It didn't look like her.

"My baby" Demi cried going to the bed side. I stayed back a little just crying to myself while Caleb and Wilmer comforted Demi. It broke my heart to see the pain on Demos face.

"I can't" I heard Demi mumble and she had to leave. Her cries could be heard from the hallway.

"We'll be back in a minute" Wilmer whispered and squeezed my shoulder before following Caleb and Demi out.

It was my first time actually getting to be close to Faith.

I stood beside her looking over her broken body. It was then that I burst out crying for the thousand time "please baby wake up" I held her hand sitting down.

"I can't do this. I can't do this without you. You need to fight this. Faith you can do it please don't leave me " I let my head fall to her hand "your mom needs you and Regan needs her big sister how is she supposed to survive with 3 guys huh?" I blabbered on "I'm not gonna lose you" I lifted my bead trying to be strong "one year. We're one year next Sunday. I plan to have the most amazing date with you whether it's sitting in this ugly hospital room or in your bed back home but I'm praying you'll be awake for it because I won't cope that day if you're not." I kissed her hand "I'm gonna go and be with your mom because she's not doing too good sweetie. I love you so much. I will always love you Faith" I leaned over her and lightly placed my lips on hers. I'll see you later sweetheart" I lightly squeezed her hand before joining the guys in the hallway.

Demi had regained composure and walked up to me "I'm sorry about that. It's just once was enough. I can't see her like this" she spoke sadly "Wilmer and I want to know if you'd come stay with us? You've got no family here and I don't like the thoughts of you being alone when they're still out there" she rubbed my arm.

"I do have family" I replied "I got them right here" I lightly smiled and hugged her tightly "thank you, I'd love to stay" I rubbed her back soothingly.


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