Chapter. 26

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"Who was outside?" Faith asked as I walked in to the room. Demi had gone to get coffee.

"It was Marnie. She came to see how you are" I spoke quietly. She furrowed her brows and stared at me funny "she apologised" I exhaled "I forgave her" I sat down on the side of the bed.

She stayed silent and looked confused "who's Marnie?" She asked causing me to chuckle.

"Babe you're funny" I laughed sarcastically.

"Arden I don't know what you're talking about" she was serious. Oh shit "Do I know her?" She began to get upset.

"Not really, she's a fan you talked to once" I smiled and she nodded. If I told her who Marnie really was she would have gotten really upset.

I quickly looked at my phone "your mom text me, she needs help with the coffee and food" I lied "I'll be back in 10 minutes" I leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Okay,bring me mcDonaaaalds' she shouted as I walked outside.

I walked out and bumped straight in to Demi and pushed her away from the door "we need to talk"

"What what's wrong?" She began to get worried "is Faith okay?" She tried to get passed me and into the room.

"She doesn't remember who Marnie is" I quietly spoke holding her arm to stop her from going in.

"What?" Demis face fell and she furrowed her eyebrows "w-what did she say?"

"She asked who was outside and I told her Marnie was and she said she didn't know who that was and she began to get upset  but I told her it was just a fan she talked to before and she calmed down" I blabbered

Demi didn't say anything. She sat down on a chair and ran her hands through her long blonde hair "she won't be able to handle this" she muttered to herself.

"Demi we can't keep this from her. If we do she'll hate us when she finally finds out" I sat beside her.

"Arden. Faith has known Marnie for what? 6 years? She dated her for 3. She was such a big part of her life. If I tell her she is gonna have such a big hole missing. Earlier when you were talking to Marnie Faith was getting upset because she couldn't remember the name of Regan's bear. This is gonna hit her hard" she sighed.

I felt a little sad because I didn't know that "how about you talk it over with Wilmer"

"Talk what over with me?" We heard a voice and looked up to see Wilmer standing beside us.

Demi sighed "Faith doesn't remember who Marnie is" Demi put her hands together.

"Did you tell her?" He asked as if it was nothing.

"I just found out" she replied

"Well we have to tell her"

"Wilmer I don't know" Demi rubbed her for head.

"Demi there is no thinking about it. That's information she deserves to know. Us keeping this from her will only slow down her recovery" he said slightly angry.

"Don't even get pissed at me, I am not in the mood" she replied.

"Don't talk to me like that" he replied annoyed "I'm not a dog. I'm telling her" .

"Wilmer" Demi stood up and grabbed his arm.

"Demi if you keep this from her you will ruin her" he pulled away.

"I'll ruin her?" She raised her eyebrow "not remembering will ruin her. I laid in that bed with her less than an hour ago while she sobbed I'm my arms because she'd forgotten the name of Regan's bear and Miguel's show and because she couldn't remember the sound of Hopes voice. She is so broken Wilmer. You should have seen her. She can't take this right now. She is not mentally able for this" Demi burst into tears and Wilmer sighed as tears stung his eyes. He pulled Demi into his arms and kissed her head

"Im sorry hermosa. I didn't know" he softly spoke "we need to be strong for her okay" he wiped Demis tears. Demi took a deep breath and nodded "go see her" she placed her hand on his chest. He leaned down and kissed her before heading in the door.

"Hey sweetheart" his voice faded out as the door shut.


We weren't gonna tell Faith about Marnie but we decided it was best to tell Marnie about Faith so Demi and Wilmer gave me permission to tell her.

"Hey" I walked up to where Marnie sat inside Starbucks "thank you so much for meeting with me" I smiled sitting down opposite her.

"Its fine honestly" she lightly chuckled. I must confess this girl is freaking beautiful.

"So I know I said that I couldn't tell you about Faith but some things came up and Demi,Wilmer and I feel that its best if you know" I exhaled as I watched her face drop.

"W-what is it? Is she doing okay?" She barely whispered.

"Like healing wise yes. Everythings good in that department but mentally no" I sighed "I told Faith you were at the hospital straight after you left" I paused.

"She didn't take it well?" Marnie asked upset.I shook my head trying to figure out how to tell her "Arden what is it?"

"I'm sorry I just don't know how to say it so I might as well just spit it out" I looked in her eyes "Faith doesn't remember who you are"

She just stared at me as she went into a daze. I stayed silent for a minute but she never spoke.

"Its not just you. Its Hope too. She doesn't complety forget her but theres bits and pieces she can't patch up" still nothing from her.

"She doesn't remember when we first met either" I added and then her eyebrow cocked up.

"I'm sorry but are you really trying to sympathise with me?" She ironically laughed "she doesn't remember the day you met? Wow. She can't remember me. At all. We knew each other for six years. I loved her for 4 and was in a relationship with her for 3. She doesn't remember anything about me. Now all she's gonna know is that I was the girl she dated for 3 years who cheated on her. She's not gonna know about the time when I was actually a good person and we were in love. She'll think I'm some bitch. Which I was okay. Yes I know that. I regret that"

"Marnie I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I stopped talking because to be honest there was nothing I could say that would fix this.

"Have you told her about me?" She asked a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

"We can't" I sighed "she isnt mentally able for it. It would tear her apart. If she knew right now how important you are to her she wouldnt be able to handle it. She'd hate herself" I explained.

"Can I talk to Demi? Do you have Demis number?" She asked wiping her eyes.

"I can't give you that" I spoke quietly "I can get Demi to call you?"

"Yeah that would be great" she signed and took a deep breath "Arden, thankyou" she said meaningfully "I've got to go" she spoke sadly. I nodded and we said our goodbyes.

Doing a double update x.

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