Chapter. 37

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"Well I guess we need to talk Camila" Demi threw her hands up.

Wilmer exhaled heavily "I can't believe I'm never gonna know my grandchild" Demi looked at him sadly and I could sense she felt the same. That she'd never know her grandchild and that pained them both. I guess that's everyones goal in life; to raise your children and then settle down while lookong after your grandchildren. Even though all the Lovato/Valderrama kids are young and have plenty of time to have their own kids there's nothing more special than bringing a grandchild into the home, the start of another generation. In this caze that generation will be starting with a another family.

I decided it was a good time for me to leave. So without saying anything I got up and left. I rounded the door frame and began a stroll across the grand entrance of the house when I heard the double glass doors click to my right.

"Hey Arden" Faiths brother Caleb spoke as he shimmied through the door as if he were preventing something to follow in his footsteps.

"Oh hey Caleb" I smiled "you're home" Its not often Caleb would come home. Well it wasn't often before but ever since the accident with Faith he makes sure to stop by at least once every two weeks.

"I am" he smiled "how ya doin?" He welcomed me with open arms and I happily obliged falling into his embrace. My nose scrunched up agaisnt his shoulder as he pulled me closer before giving one last squeeze and releasing me from his, as Faith likes to call it 'the hug of death'. This was due to the lack of blood and oxygen that failed to circulate your body as Caleb literally squeeze the life out of you.

"I'm..." I began to think. How am I? It dawned on me for a second and I shrugged "Better than your parents" I chuckled because I honestly didn't know what I was feeling right now. I could have said hungry but I'm pretty sure when he asked the three worded question he was reffering to his sisters unfortunate situation and I'm sure I was dealing with this all better than Mr. and Mrs.Valderamma.

He took a deep breath and said "Do I wanna know?" His mouth twitched to the side causing his amazingly chizled jawline to stick out. I nodded to his question with a sigh"What's going on?" He began to tap his foot already nervous about the information he was to recieve.

"Well Faith wants Camila to adopt the baby and Camila said she'll think about it and your parents are upset and Faith is being Faith and yeah.." I chuckled raising my hand to remove my hair from my face. I watched as Caleb soaked in the information and thought.

"If I sneak out now can you pretend I was never here?" He asked seriously but ended up laughing "I'm kidding, that's a lot of new information that I'm sure is gonna take a while to process"

I sighed and smiled a little realising that that's exactly what I felt. I felt like none of it had actually hit me yet and that my mind was still in the processing part of it all and when it did hit me I was positive I'd have a lot to say on the topic.

"Where's my parents?" He asked and I nodded towards the living room in response. He nodded back because no more words were needed at this time. I'd been given information, I passed it along to those whom it concerned and now I needed to see if my girlfriend was actually okay with it all. Faith is like that. Has always been like that. She won't come to me until she's on her last leg. She never shows how's she's feeling unless it's led to an anxiety attack and she just begans to babble out every single fear she's ever had starting from the scary doll Marissa had given her as a child to the pain of having to give birth in a little less than 8 months

"Goodnight" I chuckled to fill the silence and made my way upstairs.

"Mommy" a soft voice trailed out behind me as I walked down the hallway towards the stairs that led to the third floor.

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