Chapter. 49

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Arriving downstairs I wasn't really processing what was going on. I was still half asleep and tired and my back hurt and my feet were swollen. I didn't have time to think of anything else I didn't even know what day it was.

"Fayyyye" I looked down the hallway to see Regan and Miguel running towards me and Alana was crawling behind.

"Hey Missy stop right there" the familair voice shocked me and I looked to see Ruben chasing after our baby cousin. What the fuck was he doing here?

"Caleb tell grandma that she's up" my brother shouted into the kitchen. Wait Caleb and Grandma were he- holy shit today is Elena's wedding day.

A broad grin burst out on my face as Regan and Miguel hugged me.

"Hey guys" I happily spoke kissing there head "hey stranger" I looked to my brother.

"I told you I'd make it on time" he smirked walking towards me with Alana in his arms. She immediately reached out for me and I happily picked her up.

"You're so fat" Ruben commented pokjng my stomach "yeah I'm pregnant" I spoke loudly "what's your excuse?"

He laughed "I'm kidding" he hugged me in a tightly.

I shook him off laughing and made my way to the kitchen.. Or should I say zoo.

Mom,Elena,Grandma,grandpa,dad,Marissa,Dallas,maddie,Pia along with Marissa's other kids. Alexander Dalla's son and even buddy were all huddled through out the large kitchen and dining area.

"Jesus" I commented walking in.

"My baby" My grandma immediately got up and walked towards me "hey Mama" I hugged her gently

"Look at you" she smiled looking to my stomach "you're such little lady" she pouted kissing my head. I chcukeld lightly and greetws everyone before going to Elena. Wrapping my arms around her from the back, mg grandma having taken Alana I placed a kiss to her cheek "its the big daay" I sang. She giggled and smiled excited.

"Where my idiot?" I asked reffering to Arden as I pulled away.

"She went with Ariana to go see Lauren" Elena explained.

"Of course she did... Laurens always been her favourite" I chuckled sitting down "oh my god how did the ultrasound go" id completely forgotten that Elena told me they were finding out the sex of the baby a couple of days ago.

"Really well" she beamed "but we're announcing it tonight" she spoke excitedly.

My face fell "come on just tell me" I pouted.

"Nope" she chuckled "how about you when do you find out?" She asked.

"In a few days" I beamed "on Wednesday"

"Are you excited?" She asked.

"I guess. I've always seen the baby as a her though "

"If its not a her?" Elena asked.

"Ill still be very happy" I smiled.

"I hope you have a girl anyways because then they can be like best-"

"So you're having a.." I trailed off so no one could hear. Ahe facepalmed herself realising the slip up and nodded slowly.

"Aaagh" I squeald wrapping my arms around her.

"Shh" ahe shushed me.

"Why shush?" My mom aapproached us "Elena what did you say?"

I frowned "I know what she's having" I stuck my tongue out. My mom relaxed slightly.

Adventures of Faith ( Lesbian Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu