Chapter. 34

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"Hey you ready to come home?" I turned my head from where I sat in Elena's sun room. I'd been sat in a chair facing the window for hours. I wasn't crying nor was I thinking. It was like everything was numb or stopped. I stared into space and it was my moms voice that tore me out of my trance.

"What?" I looked up at her not hearing a word she said.

"How long have you been out here?" She sat down on the windowsill blocking me from the view.

"I don't know" I quietly spoke shrugging, my hand subconsciously roaming my stomach. My mothers eyes immediately fell to that and I awkwardly moved my hand "does he know?" I asked scared reffering to my father.

"Yeah I told him" she replied

"Why?" I threw my hands in the air "he didn't have to know" I spoke pissed.

"Faith" my mom chuckled.

"Its nice to see you find this amusing... Jesus I sound like you" I rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth.

"Wow... Thanks. Of course your father had to know, you're pregnant!" She talked back.

"Yes mom I know this. I took four tests yesterday that confirmed that and I've been vomiting and have a growing stomach" I rolled my eyes "but I'm not keeping this baby so he doesn't have to know"

"I think its time to discuss your options" she sighed

"Faith you have the first option which shouldn't be an option and that's obortion..." She mumbled "you then have adoption. You're rushing to that because you're scared, I understand that and then you have the option of keeping this baby. You have the money and an amazing support system that will help you with anything but I understand that this is harder than just giving birth and raising a baby. I know that mentally and emotionally this is really hard but I don't want you to make a mistake you'll regret in a couple of years. I want you to understand that you have options"

"Mom do we really have to talk about this now? Its not really a good time" I spoke annoyed.

"Faith sweetheart. I want to be there for you and I will but I need to get you to understand what's happening asap because its never gonna be the right time. In 8 months your baby is gonna be here. We need to get things going. We need to get appointment an-" my mom stopped mid sentence when I burst into tears.

"Why is this happening to me" I raised my hands to covermy eyes. I leaned forward and sobbed quietly.

"Shh" my mom moved forward squatting in front of me.

"I'm sorry" she pulled me into a hug and sighed "God has his plan for everyone, he knows what he's doi-"

"Please don't mention God. Where was God when I was been beaten and raped, where the hell was God when my little sister was taking her own life? If he was really there, if he really cared this wouldn't be happening to me" I stood up "I'm so fucking tired of all this. I can't do this anymore." I almost yelled "all I do is make peoples life a misery"

"Faith stop it" my sighed "you have been the best thing that's happened to me along with your siblings but you're different. Like the baby you're carrying I wasn't expecting you. I didn't know you were coming until I was pushing for a third time but i wouldn't change that. You're here for a reason just like your baby is gonna be here for a reason. You've caused the greatest amount of happiness in my life and I wouldn't change any of it" she hugged me tight.

"This baby has been brought into your life for some reason and time will show you why. Whether you keep it or not its gonna bring happiness. This baby isn't the horrible man that hurt you. This baby isn't full of evil. This baby is full of love and innocence. This baby has been hurt and let down just like you. This baby's father had cheated him or her. All this baby needs is love. The love of two caring people. Whether that's you and Arden or two adoptive parents but understand that this baby is a blessing and not a curse" she camly spoke.

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