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Its been two years. Two years since we lost my sister. Two years since we lost the most amazing human being but we've learned to get by and move on. We had to.

"Hunnnngry" I rolled my eyes to see my two year old little devil looking up at me "now" she began to stamp her feet furiously.

"OK Regan I get it,give me a minute jeez" I picked her up and placed her on my hip.

"Faith" I turned around to see Miguel "yeah what's up?"

"Mom said you have to drive me to school"

I sighed heavily "mooom" I walked furiously into the foyer.

"What?" She arrived out of her office.

"I have to go to work I can't be dropping him to school everyday" I said frustrated.

"I don't understand why you work" my dad groaned taking Regan out of my arms.

"Because I don't want to live off you" I replied.

"We don't mind" he chuckled "we're your parents"

"I don't understand why you won't just get a proper job" my mom sighed.

"Because I had a proper Job and my girlfriend was my assistant and then she cheated on my and I don't plan on going back to her"

"You could have just fired Marnie" my dad spoke.

"Look I don't want to talk about it I'm gonna be late" I grabbed my keys.

"No actually i want to talk to you about finding a new job" my mom followed me towards the door "I don't want you working as a waiter. I can get you a better job"

"I don't need your help mom I'm 19" I shouted.

"Yeah and you're still living at home. Both your brothers are actors with mansions in like 4 different states"
She replied.

"Yeah because they got jobs at 16. I'm sorry that I couldn't have taken the easy way out" I walked outside and opened my car door.

"Are you coming home tonight?" She sighed standing outside as I got into my Mercedes.

"No I've booked a flight to London tonight. I'm gonna stay with Lauren and Elena for the weekend" I closed the door.

"I know what you're doing. You're trying to run away from Marnie. Love you can't just run away" she argued.

"Mom I'm 19 I can do as I please. Now goodbye. I'll see you on Monday" I calmly spoke.

"I love you" she threw her hands up in defeat and walked away.

"I love you too" I called back and made my way towards the gates.



"So how's you're mother? The kids" Elena asked making me a cup of coffee.

"They're all good. Mom is slowly getting into her state though" I sighed.

"Yeah well Hopes birthday is hard for her. You need to take it easy" she sadly smiled placing my cup down.

"Yeah. Where is everyone?" I asked confused.

"Lauren is at the studio and Ari is in LA actually. She flew out last night. She's gonna spend a week at her fathers"

"Oh yes, she's meeting his girlfriend I forgot" I chuckled.

"Yeah. God I hope she's ugly" Elena laughed.

"How's Charlie?" Charlie is her little boy. Lauren and Elena adopted him nearly a year ago.

"He's good" she smiled "his football team won a championship the other day. He won't stop talking about it" she chuckled.

"I love that kid he's funny" I laughed "the last time he was out home we were teaching him how to play baseball and hit Caleb right in the balls"

"What?" She quickly furrowed her brows "how come I've only heard about this now?"

"I though Lauren would have told you. Shit. Nevermind" I laughed.

"That fiancé of mine has a lot of explaining to do" she said seriously "How's Marnie?"

My eyes grew wide and my heart began to race at her name "uhm- we uh- broke up" I quietly spoke.

"What why? Oh my god sweetie are you OK?" Elena said shocked.

"She cheated on me. With a dude. And I'm OK I guess. I quit my job though"

"You quit your fucking Job? Dem- Faith are you serious do you realise how hard it is to get a job with Vogue magazine? Like you'll never have that opportunity again"

"Were you seriously gonna call me Demi?" I laughed.

"Stop changing the subject" she shouted "I can't believe you'd do that" she sighed "where are you working now?"

"A cafe downtown" I said quietly.

"Your father is letting you work in a café?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Well my parents don't like it but whatever.. Listen I came here to escape the drama please just leave it" I stood up.

"Where are you going?" She sighed standing up too.

"Shopping are you coming?" I raised my brow.

"Nope I have a son that has to be collected from school" she replied.

"Okey dokey" I smiled leaving her.


Shopping was going good and I was on my 8th bag when I was caught. Seriously I hate my parents fans sometimes.

When I saw a group of girls coming towards me I ran in the other direction but they were catching up. That was until I felt someone grab me causing me to scream.

"Shh" the girl whispered "seriously if you breath they'll find you" the girl laughed. Her accent was american.

I turned around to see a slim girl with short dirty blonde hair.

"Arden Rose to your rescue" the pretty face chuckled as we stood in a dark store that happened to be Hollister.

"Uhm Faith" I furrowed my brows "you're American" I smiled.

"Yeah" she chuckled.

"What's a famous american girl like you strolling around London without any security?" She smiled as she began to walk.

"I don't travel with security and I'm not famous" I sighed.

"Your parents are" she argued.

"Exactly I'm not, my parents are" I mumbled looking at some clothes.

"So are your parents here then? Is that who they were chasing?" She smirked in the dim lighting.

"No they're not. OK I'm famous for being the daughter of Demi and Wilmer. That's it though" I laughed.

She laughed too "well it was nice saving you but I gotta get going" she smiled "it was nice meeting you" she began to walk away.

"Uhm yeah thanks,what did you say your name was again?" I furrowed my brows.

"Arden Rose" she chuckled leaving without another word.

Arden Rose.

HEEEEY EVERYONE... I couldn't just stooop writing now could I? ;) so yeah a new story based on Faith. Arden Rose is a youtuber by the way :) 10+comments and 20+votes for the next chapter.

Adventures of Faith ( Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now