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"Charlie" I called my little cousin as we walked through a supermarket. Lauren was by my side with a pair of shades and an oversized hat just like her stomach.

"Have you heard anything from back home since youve left?" Lo asked as we walked.

"No" I furrowed my brows "is everything OK?"

"Uh yeah its nothing" she nervously smiled.

"No Lauren what is it?" I asked as we reached Charlie.

Laurens expression went weird and she began to speak awkwardly "I uhm got a call... From Marnie"

"What?" I raised my voice causing people to look at me. I then gritted my teeth "Tell her that if she's gonna stalk me I'd rather she does it directly"

"Stalk you?" Lauren spoke confused "Faye what do you mean by stalk you?"

"The day before I left. She showed up at Target and went crazy because she found out I was leaving. She even showed up at the house that night. I've also been getting calls from her" I sighed.

"Well what's she been saying?" Lauren was getting worried now.

"Lo listen don't worry about it. This stress isn't good for you OK. I'll call her and sort it out" I rubbed her hand.

"OK but listen babe. I was talking to her-"

"Why would you speak to her?" I asked angry.

"Because she's worried about you Faith. You two didn't end on good terms and its obvious you're hurting but so is she"

"You don't even know how i fee-"

"If you're really gonna say that to me. You might want to think again. I know exactly how you feel. I've been there but I've gotten past it" she said firmly.

"Yeah because you were stupid enough to forgive Elena" as soon as the words left my mouth I felt bad "I'm sorry" I quickly apologised "you're right. I'm having a hard time OK. I'm sorry"

"Its understandable sweetheart. It's OK to feel this way but don't let it take over you ok."

"I'm trying" I sadly smiled as she wrapped me in a side hug.

"Listen we're eating out tonight. I'd love if you joined us, Ariana is home"

"Yeah OK" I smiled.


"I know I said I'd be seeing you but I didn't realise it would be so soon" Arden smiled as I stood outside the restaurant with Ariana.

"Huh?" Ariana furrowed her brows.

"She's talking to me" I chuckled."well apparently this is my families go to spot" I chuckled.

"Well I heard the waiters are nice" she chuckled back.

"Am I missing something?" Ari spoke up confused.

"Uhm Arden Ro-. Arden, this is my cousin Aria. Aria this is my-" I squinted my eyes trying to figure out what I should call her.

"Friend" Arden laughed.

"This is my friend Arden" I smiled.

"Just a friend?" Ariana smirked and my eyes grew wide.

"Oh my god Ari,I'll meet you inside ok ,go" I pushed her towards the door.

"What was that about?" Arden laughed awkwardly.

"She got the wrong impression, she thought you were my..." My eyebrows furrowed as I looked to my ringing phone. Its Marnie ".. Girlfriend. I'm sorry I need to take this" I quickly spoke and answered it.

"Marnie what do you want?" I exhaled heavily

"Wow its nice to see you too" she replied sarcastically.

"Listen. You need to stop OK. Stop calling. Texting. You're even harassing my family now?" i scoffed.

"You won't answer . you left and never said another word"

"Because I caught you making out with a fucking guy" I whisper shouted "I don't want anything to do with you. Do you understand me?" All that filled the air was silence.

"Marnie do you understand me?" I lifted my gaze to see Arden looking at me concerned. I gave her a shy smile and waited for Marnie's response.

"I love you Faith" she cried.

That's when the tears left my eyes "no you don't. You don't love me. You never would have left me if you loved me."

"You left. You're the one who left. You left work and then the country? And don't say it was for work we both know you moved to escape me. We need to talk"

"The second you even thought of being with that guy was when you left. Yes. I moved to a different country to get away from you but its because it hurts. It hurts Marnie. I loved you. I loved you so fucking much and you ruined us"

"Well I'm leaving too. I'm going home to Australia. Feel free to come back" she replied and hung up.

"Oh my god" I practically shouted when the call ended causing Arden to be even more concerned "I'm sorry" I apologised to her.

"Hey don't be" she spoke soothingly "listen" she approached me "I'm heading out with a couple of my friends later. Seeing as we're friends now" she chuckled "why don't you join me? You sound like you could blow some steam"

"I-uh I don't drink I don't want to be a buzz kill" I politely smiled.

"Well I think I just found my clubbing buddy" she laughed "I don't drink either. This is a fairytale friendship" she joked causing me to laugh "so what do you say?"

"Sounds cool" I replied "but first I need to go and have dinner with my aunts so they can give me a lec..." I furrowed my brows "..ture"

"What's wrong?" She asked concerned as I stared at the car pulling up.

"I think that's my mom" I made my way towards the car and I was right it was my mom "mom?" I spoke as she got out "what are you doing here?"

"Hey sweetheart" she scooped me up into a hug and a kiss to my head "I'm here on business. Got a two night show" she smiled " who's your friend?" She smiled to Arden.

"Uhm mom this is Arden-Rose" I led her to the starstruck girl.

"Demi" my mom put out her hand to shake Arden's

"Wow Hi" Arden chuckled "uhm I'm Arden,Faith just said that,wow." She shook my mother's hand.

My mom chuckled "you're American?" Mom smiled.

"Yes mam, Arkansas born and raised" she chuckled.

"A country gal. Like myself" mom laughed "well you look after my daughter. I need to head inside before my sister kills me but it was lovely meeting you Arden"

"I will" Arden replied "you too"

"I'll see you inside" mom kissed my cheek and went in.

"My mother just said 'lovely" I chuckled furrowing my brows causing Arden to look at me funny.

"Uhm nothing. Show me your phone" I chuckled. She gave me her phone and I typed in my number "call me in about 2 hours and give me the details of tonight" I smiled.

"Will do" she waved her phone "I'll see you later"

"See you later" I replied with a wave but then realised she was heading inside "I forgot,you work here duh" I chuckled and led the way.

Hey guys :) I hope you're enjoying this do far. 10+comments and 20+votes for the next chapter.

Adventures of Faith ( Lesbian Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz