chapter. 25

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One day passed. Nothing. No change what so ever but I wasn't expecting a miricle over night.

Two days passed. I was still hopeful. 3 days I was getting anxious, 4 days. I began to lose hope but then the doctors said that there was some brain activity or something like that but five days. Five days was the worst.

3.48 am Thursday.

"Arden" I was woken out of my sleep by Wilmer who was holding Regan in his arms. I could here crying from the floor beneath me.

"What's wrong?" I sat up quickly

"her lungs filled up with fluid and she began to choke and she's had a seizure." He informed me and I quickly ran to get a sweatshirt and shoes.

We arrived in the hospital and everything looked normal to us. We'd missed the worst part. Shed gone in for an operation and had the fluid removed. She was back in her room by the time we got there.

That night shook everyone up. We thought she might be coming around but instead her health deteriorated.

Day 6 and 7 were a waiting game. We were just praying that she wouldn't have another seizure. Thankfully she didn't.

And now its Day 8. We're together a year today. Well this day last year was the day of Faiths going away party and we decided to mark this as the day we started dating because finding an actual day was hard. I wanted her to be awake today. I wanted to spend today with her but it looks like that won't happen.

Faiths family said that I could have today with her alone and I was grateful for that.

"Hey baby" I arrived into her room at 10am "I got you sunflowers because I know you think they're pretty  and there was only one flourist open this morning and they were all out of every other fucking flower.they're not a very good flourist" I chuckled placing them in a vase beside her bed.

I then leaned in and placed a soft kiss to her lips. After that I turned on some of her favourite music and sat beside her talking away.

"You know the doctors and nurses think  we're sisters so if I ever get caught kissing you that's gonna be really awkward" I giggled.
I stayed for hours on end. I just talked to her the whole time. About the past about everything she's missed, about the future. I had finally began to get ready to leave when I noticed it was 8pm.

Ater that I fell silent and began to get sad "it shouldn't be like this" I whispered tears falling from my eyes "you should be celebrating with me" I mumbled "I just want you back sweetheart. Promise me you'll fight but if it comes to it and you can't. Its okay. Its okay to let go" I burst out crying "because I don't want you to suffer" I held her hand in both of mine lightly "it's okay baby" I missed her knuckles and that's when I felt a light scratch on my palm.

I furrowed my brows and quickly pulled my hands away. I placed her hand in the bed and stared at it and then my own hands. Of course not, I thought maybe..

I sighed standing up and placed another kiss to her lips grabbing my things "I love you Faith" I sadly smile before turning around.

I had my hand on the door handle when I heard a noise "Ah-" I heard faintly "Ard-en" I quickly turned around and saw Faith had her eyes open.

"Baby" I said panicked rushing towards her "Mmm" her hoarse voice replied.

"Oh my god you're awake. Oh my god" I cried.

"W-what happened?" She croaked.

"Shhh don't talk" I held her hand as happy tears streamed down my face "oh my god"i cried hysterically.

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