29. bookworms

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𝖆𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖗𝖆 • the library━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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𝖆𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖗𝖆 • the library

     Aurora had managed to learn quite a lot in the next twenty minutes, but nothing that would be wholly useful. Nothing about twins nor evil men out for them.

Elara came looking for her around that time and served as both a distraction and a way to bond with her sister, but at the exact same time she had approached her, a wide-eyed Dusk had made his way back.

     Aurora and Cassius looked at the clock and the latter groaned, throwing his head back in frustration while his best friend collapsed into his seat and shuddered, his reaction earning a laugh from the two of them and a look from Elara, who lingered behind.

     "You have some nerve, Aurora Luna Celeste," he breathed out, sitting up straight to look at her. "You win. I am never venturing into that again. And I do not want to know why there were so many vague synonyms for so many different..." He shuddered again and Aurora laughed softly. "I barely got to the end of that novella without dying." Cassius groaned again.

They rolled their eyes. "You are so dramatic."

"Go read one of those books," Dusk snapped at Cassius. "You will see then. I can steal one of my sister's if you so wish." He frowned. "You all are disgusting—but also amusing. I sincerely hope you do enjoy your reading." She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Did you find anything interesting then?"

"Not really," she sighed. "I do need to find my sister a seat, though." She grabbed the chair beside him and pulled it in front of her, rotating her chair to see her as she sat down with reluctance. "How was your nap?"

Elara cocked a brow. "Stars, are those really the kind of questions you ask around here?"

Dusk swivelled in his chair, his arm going around the back of Aurora's. "No, of course not," he said. "We also ask how it was going to the bathroom and taking a piss, and eating and changing. When we breathe deep enough, we ask how it was; when Cass walks in, we ask how his walk was; when Aurora rambles, we ask how that experience was for her and her throat."

     "That wasn't even funny," Cassius muttered. Aurora laughed quietly with him.

     "I wasn't trying to be."

     "Good, because you seem to lack humour too," Aurora remarked.

     Dusk cocked a brow. "Too? What else am I lacking?"

     "Abort mission," she whispered to Cassius, who was too busy grinning smugly. She smiled at him. "Nothing. You're oh-so-perfect." When he rolled his eyes with a small smile he was trying to hide, she nodded firmly. "Really."

"Go kiss an ass," Elara spat, glaring at him. She hadn't paid heed to anything outside of her slight argument—if it could even be called that—with Dusk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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