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He looks beautiful in blackIt's something I've always been able to admit- Alexander Moon Ga looks like something off a magazine, usually because he is. He's still in his suit, still had the flowery scent of the atmosphere on him, still looks like he did on that isle hours earlier. He's driving like a mad man, I'm trying hard to say nothing- after all he is my boss, off day or not. The sun is sunk inti the horizon,  he has less than two hours to get this done and he's taking every second seriously. Sara updates me on the situation of the new Mrs Moon Ga, Li A-Ra favors her room for sleepz understandably. After hours in that gown id rush to my room, too. First day of the wedding and the Moon Gas are a mess.

Its in the mountain, I recognize the location as we ease into it. He parks te car carelessly by the road, I take initiative to find safe parking spot and follow them. He's followed, the guard- Lin- they're inseparable like that. I keep my distance, he needs this, and wait by the Statue by the bodyguard,  Alexander proceeds alone. He nods to me, the bodyguard, I nod back. We watch the figure slumped into the rock, I hope she can see this- even in death she has this effect on him. On , me. I try to not think of her but I do.

"He'll be okay? The sunbae?"

Lin shakes his head, I understand it. There's no way to be okay with this, with her gone. The man on the stone screams- loaded and painful, I try not to watch. I can't. I've done this too, a lot. The bodyguard and I share a look and he decides to wait farther back. I nod, he claps my shoulder and I gather the courage to proceed up the rock, to approach the man. If he sees me coming he doesn't show it. I settle next to him, he doesn't lift his head from his hands, doesn't hide his tears.

"She'd hold you, right now,  but I cant"

He lifts his face to the sky, I dare to lay my hand on his knee. He doesn't shrug it off. In this way- here- we have an equalizer. If she's watching- Clara- she's probably getting a laugh out of it.

"It's been two years. I can't get over it. "

I nod, me neither. Two years since we lost her- two years since she quite literally dropped dead, right before our eyes. It was, I shut my eyes against it. I squeeze his knee, softly, he meets my eyes and I don't hide my tears.

"I don't think you ever get over it."

We face the forest- he decided to throw her ashes into the tree, for whatever reasons.  He swallows, tears roll over his cheeks and mine race to match.

"I,come here, a lot. She said, she has to be the one I come to, right? Why doesn't she come to me? I don't know, who to be- now. I don't know, I need her."

I nod, I know. I come a lot, too. We all do , the gang.

"I think she left because she knew you'd be alright. I think she stayed for as long as she could."

He looks at me and says nothing. We stare at each other then back into the forest. Two men bound by one girl.

It's, minutes pass by, maybe hours. I leave him to it and head back to the Statue, he needs this. I do, too, but I can come at any time. I have a feeling this is the last time he can. I'd know. I'm his personal assistant.

I'll come by, later, like I always do to update her on life.

Clara, Today Alexander and Li A-Ra got married, grand as could be. It will be a shitty marriage, like you predicted it would be, but he can take it, like you said. He visits you every chance he gets. He named his dogs after you, all eight of them. They're adopting a child, his name is Mason, it's ongoing- the current mother puts on a fight- i know this becase im the PA, so you get classified info and the company is doing great. We miss you, Sara, Jun, Kenji and I, We keep your car safe. Take her out for a ride sometimes. He confides in me, sometimes. I think we are friends. Isn't that funny?

Noona? In our next life, don't leave too soon.

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