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She holds the recorder and he moves, it's the thing that has happened for so long that it's just a thing, Gul Moon Ga makes the worst faces. It doesn't hurt, anymore, there's no pain- all I feel is the warmth of his hands over my bare skin, the bite of his teeth into my neck. It makes me feel, something- and I let it happen- it's better than feeling nothing,  is it not? I'll jump into fire to feel anything.

They touch me, like this- and I lean into the warmth of it all, it's all I'll ever get. My skin is too raw, but I take it. I have to, it's all I get.

She walks into the room like she was meant to be in it.

Theres no rush to her steps, hoodie and leggings, her hair thrown into what most would call a messy bun and her steps so slow, so unbothered. Shes- she's not pretty, she's ethereal. She reminds me of watercolors- texture and depth. She gets him to lift his hands off my skin just by being there, I both hate and am intrigued by it.

He says something to her, she locks the door behind her. They say something, Gul and Sana- threats I think. She doesn't react to them, cold, cold dead eyes and slow measured steps. Her skin,  this deep Sable shade,  so so rich- only visible between her hairline and chin, hands in pocket. She's a force, this woman, the space is filled with nothing but her. Gul is screaming again, he heads for her and she knees him in the gut. I don't move, bent over and spread over the couch, I know not to move- I watch. Sana charges to her and is met with a slap, so loud it reverberates through the empty space, replaces the sounds of skin on skin that filled the vacuum before.

I dare to sit. I dare to, this I have to see. This little thing, short and that face- baby face- so young. She must be so young. Who is she. What is she?

Her eyes meet mine and I'm mesmerized.

They're, brown, even under the flourescent lights they refuse to shade into black, like ours do. So, empty, so so empty but deep- they take the light they get and turn into art- I could paint a world around them. Her eyes fall to me and she walks, slow, hands in her pockets, towards me. I want to, cover up, but there's nothing to so I curl into myself. Gul reaches for her, she kicks his head into the floor. Sana follows and is- literally- flung into the walls.

For the first time the screams aren't mine.

For the first time the screams aren't mine.

For the first time the screams are not mine.

She unzips her hoodie and sets it over my knees.

She gives me, her hoodie.

She takes her hoodie off for me.

She let's me, cover up with her hoodie.



It's, small, dimpled- I'm taken. I'm taken, she's so pretty. She's so, ethereal, she- let me have her jacket she, she covers- me, with it.


She, touches me.

She, she lays her hand- small and cold, over my shoulder.

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