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"It smells like paint. And the lights are off"

Our fingers laced, I led him to where he needed to be, just a step into the dark canvas. Nine minutes. It'd taken me nine minutes, Art classes ended just before midnight and the floor was mostly empty. It was easier than I thought. A little too easy. The stars aligned.

"One more step- there. I'm sorry for the dark, sir, it's necessary for this" I pushed the paint brush into his palm, he felt for it "we have thirty minutes before security check. We need to ve out then"

"What are we doing here, Clara May?"

"You are painting, sir" I forced the tin off the paint can, pushed it into his lap "neon blue, cyan. Black canvas. It's yours"


"Thirty minutes, Mr Moon. I'm not leaving the room, but I'll be at the back. Kaji and I need to talk. Here" I carefully pushed earpods into his ears, one by one, white noise. His favorite sound" thirty minutes, I'll call you in twenty."

I lied. I left the room, my jacket on a seat at the back. This was too intimate. This one was his to take. Kaji and I stood by the door, discussing damage control. It was easier, with Kaji, he was- average. A little closer to my height. Muscular and graceful, yes, but more- normal beside me. It looked like two people discussing some project.

I called him six minutes to, let him know time was almost up. He didn't want anyone to see it, the canvas, i assured him no one would, not even me. When I walked back in, it was turned to the wall, his fingers spotted neon blue, spots over his sweatshirt and a streak over his left cheek. It was- something, adorably him, adorably Alexander, nothing like a Moon Ga. I chuckled, threw my jacket over the painting, handed him over to Kaji. He insisted on keeping the squeeze thing. I watched them dissappear into the men's bathroom, cleaning up the art room after him.

It was Virgo. He painted a constellation- the Virgo.

No one that I knew to be close to him was a Virgo.

I was.

I was a Virgo.


Kaji looked ridiculous in street fashion. Sweatpants and a navy blue hoodie, he fit the aesthetic as well as I'd fit into a gala gown- ridiculously and weird. He wore a scarf, covered the lower part of his face, walking steadily just a step behind us. Alexander Moon Ga had his fingers laced into mine, spotted and neon blue, step by step. It was a perfect plan, I'd give myself this, stepping into the elevators straight to the ground floor. Kajis stepped right in, and we missed them by barely a step. He locked eyes with me, the other guy, Shimira,  and sent a wink my way. Doors slid shut and thank God for the commotion the elevator didn't stop. 

"We are using a different car, Mr Moon. I'm driving you home, directly, Kaji will be behind us in your car" I explained as Kaji broke off, trying the keys to find our designated car "your identity got compromised. And I have your painting with me. It's covered. No one saw it."

It was a blue one, this car, a blue middle class looking car. Yes I know it's make. No it's not important to this story, here's what is- it wasn't as noticeable as the other. He said nothing, I held the back door open and ushered him in, rushed to the driver seat and shut the door closed, revved up and found my way out of the building. He didn't resist, Alex, squished the squeezy little koala ball I knew I wouldn't be getting back, face blank. Kaji's car would actually be driving ahead, this one was a manual and I had no concept of Geography,  not in relation to this city. This was a risk too big. I blasted music into the space, drove like a maniac behind the black automatic. Alexander Moon Ga pulled his cap lower and scarf higher. His painting called shotgun. I had it seatbelted and all.

It was surreal, to find out what it was like to be next to him like this- not the boy in his house, a ghost in the room- to find out what it was like to be next to a star. To stop just miles out of his home to switch cars because the blue thing was never supposed to be in his house. To sit waiting in the dark for the other boy, Shimira, and switch cars then too. To see the flashes of media cars restricted in the background by residence security. To be behind him, watch the cars drive out, leave me in the dark just outside the residence. To have Kaji pick me up minutes later, painting under my arm and body worn out in the adrenaline of it, to come off the high and find him in his room, door closed behind him. I brought the painting with me, jumping into the shower waiting for her call. Laila Moon Ga would be on me. The least I could do is shower and watch the news, hope the plan had been as spotless as I hoped it was.

I met Kaji and Shimira outside, the three of us huddled in front of a screen like a scene out of a detectives movie. They were both in black t-shirts and cargo pants. I was in sweatpants and a t-shirt. The clock read four in the morning. We watched every single channel that aired the news- the Moon Ga heir in a university. He'd played the last well, Shimira, in his hair in a wolfstail, his black suit and black mask. He'd said nothing, allowed security to lead him out, did nothing but wave and the screens. The plan had worked. He'd been the perfect double. So similar in height. A little more built, his hair a little longer, his skin just the least  bit dark, but he'd played the part well. He was missing it, the Moon Ga factor, the confidence that Alex tapped into so easily.

I fell asleep in the backseat. Kaji and Shimira stayed up watching the commentaries, reactions and commentaries. He was right. I had underestimated the power he held.

I had no concept whatsoever of how big  the Moon Ga name was. I had no notion whatsoever of what it meant to be in Alexander Moon Ga's world. I had underestimated what he was. I had failed him, like this.

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