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"Mr Moon is waiting in his Office, Miss May"

I'd debated on asking them to call me Ara and decided against it- the first rule of the game was to set strong boundaries and formalities were a great reinforcer of that. Working for the Moon family would be hard, this I knew, but at least the power dynamics were clear and that made it a bit easier. As caretaker I was easily above the rest of the househelps, a supervisor of sorts. There were four of them- severely understaffed for the house but that wasn't my place. The house had its own order, A cook, a cleaner, a maintainance and repairs guy and the driver that also served as a gardener. All things considered caretaker was quite the superficial title, it was more of a moderator, and weirdly enough that was the most coveted yet most weary post. Communicating directly to Mrs Moon was not something I could see anyone looning forward to. Not that she was bad, I had no notion of such, but that she oozed power in that femme Fatale way, like one look and you'd be lost.

I had no uniform but I assigned myself to one of sorts. Power dynamics, last thing I needed was drama from assumptions. A white blouse and black pants were my go to, and would be for the rest of my stay. Six months. I threw my hair into a low sleek bun, as low and as sleek as I could get it and a nude concealer X brown lip color look. Decided signature look. My skin color already made me stand out no need to further that. He had been right. I had needed that rest, terribly.

"Clara May" there was a smooth accent to how he said the name, the intonation and pronunciation combined with his low deepish voice animating it in a way I'm guilty of finding attractive. So painfully formal. So wonderfully aloof, "Have a seat?"

I didn't. I stood by, watching him carefully and attentively. He was by the  roof to floor windows with a lovely view of the mountains that textured the topography of the land outside, one of the most serene views and for a moment I had to remind myself who this was. Why I was here. I could not take that seat, not if formality was to be at the forefront of my stay. He was in a sweater and linen pants today, a much more relaxed yet formal look, still as painfully attractive as the suit , as attractive as the pictures I'd seen.

"You don't fancy my chair, Clara May? I had them custom-made"

"I'd bet my life on their comfort, Mr Moon" I made sure to keep my voice neutral, watching the silhouette he cast as light filtered through clear glass into the room, a six foot tall silhouette that I'll admit to being to a certain degree seduced by "how was your sleep"

"Are you asking out of formality or concern?"

I flashed a smile I knew he couldn't see. Tight and formal. This was my first day. My first impression. The next six months, and a lot more than that, balanced solely on this. He didn't turn around. I didn't move. Silence hung comfortably in the air, stained beautifully by chirping birds and soft breaths. Somewhere a river current made its mark. I decided to pierce the veil.

"Alexander Moon Ga. Age twenty-eight. The only living son of the Moon Ga legacy, in that case the only living heir of the Moon Ga household. Masters in Business Administration, Bachelor, currently single. Plays golf in his free time, superheading a few charity projects all over Asia. Allergic to , of all the things, Hazelnut and Almond. Favorite meal Chicken, in any form. That's all your file said." This time, he did turn around. Palms in his pockets. Chin tilted to literally look down on me. Air heavy with the musky scent I knew to be his cologne. "None of that is valid to me. I think the first step would be to know the things that are valid to me and my stay here, don't you think?"

He nod. Curt and formal. This would be easier than I thought.

"You want to confirm what my mother told you"

I nod. I nod, again. Then verbally confirmed it with a yes. He poured himself a glass of water, I unabashedly watched him gulp it down.

"What did she say?"

"That you are blind. The accident that took your siblings, Sana and Gul , took with it most of your sight. You are not blind, completely, but dangerously close to. The mechanics don't matter, but the gust of it is your eyesight is three quarters gone. That no one knows, only your caretakers. Not even your chefs and maids and friends." I pause, watch him for reactions,"I signed an NDA. "

"You are beautifully direct, Clara May."

"I see no need for semantics. It is what it is"

He nod. This time I did take the seat. He caught the motion and assigned it a private smile.

"Why you. Why bring in a- you?"

I smirked. He apparently saw the need for semantics.

"If you mean why bring a dark skinned black college girl when you have the option for better, professional? I'd say for one because no one cares. If some college black immigrant went ranting about the most eligible bachelor it would be easily ruled to jealousy and oh you know blacks. If you're asking why unprofessional I'd say thats because the rest couldn't keep up with you, Mr Moon, and your mother is both hoping I can and unbothered by whether I can or not. I signed a six month contract. I'm bound by it. Frankly she doesn't care, most dont"

This time he did look at me. There was both amusement and curiosity. He offered a glass of water that I took. Sat by the edge of his wooden desk, dangerously close. I didn't cower away.

"Beautifully direct. Do you think you can?"

I shook my head no. Shook it again. He sighed and I verbalized the syllable. Silence hung between us for longer than was comfortable, I had to force myself to sit still, the urge to fidget and pierce the silence almost irresistible.

"I have a file on you. Can you read it for me?"

This time I did fidget. Verbalized my disagreement. He nod and hopped off the desk.

"Do you know what your responsibilities are?"

"Not particularly. I was handed a skeleton of them that sounded mostly like an assistant. I'm the only staff member allowed contact with you. I plan your schedules and remind you of them. I let the rest know of what needs to be done. Half assistant half caretaker. Did I miss much"

He shook his head no. I said nothing. He shook it no, again. No reply. He sighed and pronounced the syllable. I allowed myself a smile.

"If I could have your monthly calendars from now to the end of my stay, sir, that would be a great start. We would need to sync our Google calendars, or at least I'd need access to yours. I need information on who visits when and why. What they are like and-"

"You sound like the FBI Clara May "

I did chuckle at that. He leaned against the window, that haunting silhouette of him. His voice was a tad bit less tense. We were getting somewhere.

"I hope you pardon me, Mr Moon, and I say this with all due respect. Which is a lot of respect. I'm here to keep up the perfect boy image. That is to say, and pardon my lack of better vocabulary, hide you. The people must think you're perfect, ready to take on what you need to. Your issues, sight, social, mental, physical, must die in this room with us. No one told me this but it's easy to see" I paused, my voice as soft as I could make it while staying firm "my job is to uphold an image. I need all the tools for that"

The silhouette swallowed his reaction. There was a little movement, between his fingers and the fabric of his shirt. So silent but so present- like him .

"I'm all yours, Clara May. Hide me. "

He did the thing, the one with his fingers and shirt. I caught it. I'd catch it a lot after that.

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