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For the first time since I landed, Alexander Moon Ga woke up before I did. It was, endearing- back to joggers and damn long sleeved t-shirts,  and, barefooted- making breakfast. Don't get me wrong it was horrible, there was no domestic in him and he made all coffee black no cream no sugar, promised me there was some appeal. There wasn't. There was no appeal in that mug, but I gulped it down with the worst sandwich I've ever had. I let him know food wasn't his strongest suit, he pointed out 'very strong undertones of sexism and ingratitude' which weren't appreciated. I nod to that with a smile , thanked him and powered through it. Fighting.

He hated it too, but , fighting.

"Whats it like, seeing again?"

He considered this "I don't know, normal? I'm not one to get emotional, you could say I'm a rabid realist. I had blurry vision and learned to adapt. Now it's clear. It's just, a lot to see, and I keep expecting the migraines after"

"You didn't want to see me. I thought it's because you found me, unsightly?"

He sent a 'really?' look and I nod back to him .

"You really really don't know, huh."

"I guess no I don't. That would be why I'm asking, too"

That private smirk.

"I, want to see you, a lot. I know you know youre- attractive. It's not even that it's, you're not easy to forget. If you were to leave, I needed to minimize the damage"

Oh. That made sense. 

"In your dreams I'm always leaving?"

He nod. "There isn't much to stay for. I have, a lot, but it doesn't interest you. I don't know what does, so I don't know how to keep you"

Oh. Oh.

"I'm interested in you"

He stiffened up, shoulders so tense I thought if I hit him he'd break.


I nod. "I don't know why, either. But I like, you. Being around you. The way you- you know"

"No actually I don't. Indulge me"

"I don't know. You, do things, that are likeable. Let's not talk about this"

"Sexy like, oppa. In that daddy way"

I wanted to die.

"Well, you- look how you look. I'll find a way to unbug that thing"

He turned to me, smirk over his lips, this look in his eyes. I narrowed mine, stayed rooted where I was.

"You want me"

"For a long time, yes"

He stepped closer, close enough that I had to tilt my head all the way back to meet his eyes, something he clearly enjoyed.

"How long?"

"Too long. What's with the ego stroking?"

"How long?"

"Stop this you're, making me flustered"

He leaned in, effectively locking me into the desk, his body a wall of discontinuity between the scene and I. 
This was, I tried meeting his eyes, found  that I couldn't, horrified that I was, in fact, flustered.

"You're a dangerous thing, you know. It should be,  illegal, to look like this. And then you say things like that and it's taking all, all my self-restraint"

He was too close, too close- his body leaned over mine forcing me to lean back over hardwood desk, this was too romance movie for me, too close- he was too close and it messed with my breathing system. I chose to focus on the neckline of his t-shirt. To not focus on his words, he said - things like that - and it, did things I didn't know what to do with.

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