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There was no way to de-chaebol Alexander Moon Ga, but effort was exerted.

It had taken- hours, to get even close to it, and two hours later- his hair in a wolfstail, dark eyeliner and contouring that somehow did change his facial structure- he looked a lot less Moon Ga, but in cargo pants and a frumpy jacket he looked a lot more like an idol. There was no way to hide him, to make him fade into the background- a man like him was meant for viewing, the best I could do is change perspective. The best way to keep him safe would be to keep him covered. Which had involved another body double stunt operation with Shimira- I owed him one. Divide and rule.

It had been, something, to have him on my bedroom floor as I combed through his hair, to cup his face and do- all that, it had been something that I filed under- get over it. Summer fling type thing. This was a summer fling type thing, the deal was to not get lost in it. To never get lost in it, one of us had to be sane. That one was me. It had to be me- I had that, the privilege of sanity.

Kaji drove behind us, this time him and the other kid that looked at me all weird, I didn't care for him but Kaji vouched so I went with it- he was the head of security after all. I trusted him.

He didn't say much, calling shotgun in my car, fingers around a neon blue little Koala. I'd fixed it into a Keychain, pinned it to his jackets wrist cuff, he'd nod a quiet thanks then proceeded to not let it go. It was- cute- and wildly triggering. I looked away from it.

"The festival is out of town. It's a small scale event, expected turnout less than fifty, it's a local kids show thing. It's outside, open stars, I'll be right next to you, Kaji and the weirdo will be around, very close."

He nod. "How long?"

"We leave when you want to. We could turn around right now "

"Because, I'm the boss?"

"To Kaji, Maybe, but he's still under the impression I am. "

Because it's for you.

"Are you scared?"

"Terrified. I have never been to a concert"


"Shame. It's the coming of age rite. I'm here, I promise. I'd never let anything happen to you"

He nod. Kaji checked in on the location, we were close.

Security wasn't meant to be that tight- there was no way Alexander Moon Ga would a) for any reason be here, in some town concert or b) be here when he was busy getting photographed in malls back in the city. Attention diversion. There was such a small likelihood of insecurity, maybe petty theft of phones and cash, and maybe breaking of car windows- so Alex and I parked a bit further from the venue- bulletproof car would mean someone important was in the vicinity which wasn't in the plans. Fit in and fade back. We parked on the rooftop of the nearest building, Kaji had 'worked it out' whatever that meant, which meant elevators down & out.

Which meant we'd have to walk together, in public.

"Here" I fit his earpiece on, connected to me, and covered it under locks of weirdly thick hair "I'll be next to you, all night, but if you need to tell me anything just, do the thing"

He nod, testing it out. It worked, thank God.

"You'll be okay. I promise. If you want to leave, we leave. Whatever you want, ask"

He nod. He always nod. I resisted the urge to squeeze his hand.

It was, weird, walking next to him like this, in public. It was, very true to us, night, almost midnight- his fingers laced in mine, wind in his hair, looking like a fucking idol.

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