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Liam Kim skipped class with me. For Me. We sat on the rooftop, the same that Alex and I had been on, looking down on the city below us.

It was six days after my birthday. Two after his. We had four days between us, four days that apparently qualified me for noona status. I'd promised him we'd celebrate together, and he waited.

He waited.

It was a dark forest cake, one I'd been the one to pay as retribution for 'dumping him for the men in white' which was shameful because 'lawyers are better than doctors, noona'.

I'd missed him. Him. Luke. Alex. Weirdly enough- Kaji.

"Happy twenty twenty two Noona"

I smiled. It wasn't happy, but it wasn't lonely- that counted for something. It wasn't lonely and I took that to that part of my heart,  that part i stored all the things i liked.
.I liked that. I could allow myself to like it.

"Happy twenty two sunbae"

We exchanged a look. He burst to laughter. I followed, seconds later. The air around us sank into quiet night, nothing but city sounds playing as background music. I liked this. I liked him.

"Talk to me. What's going on"

"Two accidents. First,  twenty two years ago. Two people with the worst genetic combinations decided to not use a condom, enter me and a weird immune system. Accident two, three weeks ago, I may or may not have been caught up in some sticky situation that led to head smack that led to collapse that reminded the immunity system its not supposed to be functional which led to pipes and extremely unsightlyand terrible tasting food and men and women in blue and white, for three weeks"

He watched me from under upturned eyes, tan skin glowing under dim lights. Those moon catchers he had for eyes, searching and warm.

"Noona. Talk to me"

I chewed my lip in contenplation- I'd said all I could say in the simplest way possible, and as truthfully as I could. There was another truth, one more scary to face, one I hadn't said out loud for so long.

"Im dying. Soon"

He watched me expectantly, hair fluttering around his forehead , his eyes so soft.

Talk to me.

"I was never meant to live for long. My genetic make up is, fucked up at best. I was never supposed to have a long life span, and it's catching up to me, fast. It's, we all die. People younger than I have died. Everyone will die, but it's something else- to be so awfully aware of mortality. To never have the luxury of the illusion of forever. I was- hospitalized, and the doctors said a year, give or take"

He nod. Said nothing, only placed his palm on my knee. I watched it, emotionless.

"You're so strong,  Noona"

I allowed myself a smile "I've had no choice"

He made a sound of agreement, we shared a look between us and turned back to the city lights.

"If you make it past one year we are getting married"

I chuckled an agreement. He sent me a serious look.

"I mean it. You graduate and we tie the damn knot."

"Mhm. You know what's funny?"

"That you think I'm joking?"

"Well, more like, I've just never thought about that. About- what if I do make it. I wasn't even supposed to make it past seventeen. "

"Yet here we are"

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