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Alexander Moon Ga had to leave for his family home the next day. The order had been issued by his mother, he dutifully wordlessly jumped into his car and drove off. There wasn't much choice when it came to Laila, her way. This was the Moon Ga matriachy, and she sat at the top. We didn't say much, Alexander and I,  the rooftop was gone and he was Mr Moon and I was Clara May. This was the natural order of things.

There were loopholes in the story, Alexander and I had worked to fix them all morning. I let him know of the previous night's events, the body double and the extraction process. He said he'd find something to do with it. I nod and cleared his schedule. 

He took the koala with him.

Two days while he was away, I brought Luke home.

I don't know why I named him Luke,  he looked like a Luke. The house staff was shocked about it, in fact miss Li had words about it and so did the maintenance guy (I didn't know his name, we all addressed him by his honorary title). I'd promised to train him, something I'd extremely overestimated my abilities in, but Luke was quite the good boy. He was old, according to the vet, maybe that added to it, but he was still a dog and dogs needed play, so the third day I took to bringing him to he gym with me. His age and breed would get in the way of his adoption, the vet let me know this, and I'd have to stick with him longer than I might have wanted to.

I'd be leaving in four months. I didn't allow myself to think of it.

The house without Alexander was, weirdly untouched. He'd really been a ghost, this one I'd known, but not how much of a ghost he was. The flow remained disrupted. Kaji took his men with him, leaving only the residence security,  which means the household was barely populated. Luke made up for it. Luke followed me around like the dutiful dog he was. Luke slept in my bed and waited for my return from class. Luke was my first friend.

He called on the fifth day, Alexander,  I'd been in my room about to head to sleep.

"Clara May"

"Mr Moon" somehow for some reason I jumped off bed "Yes sir?"

He said nothing for the longest time. I let the silence stretch, pacing around my room softly with Luke on my heels.

"I. I'm sorry, I don't know why I called "

"That's alright" the air turned heavy "let me know when you have a reason then? I'm heading to bed now, sir"

"Are you, okay?"


I nod. Realized he couldn't see me and verbalized it. I let him know I'd brought Luke home, he was jumpy enough for a dog his age, luckily not as clingy as he had the potential to be and asked of he hid narcotics in his office since Luke sniffed around so much. He chuckled. We fell into silence again.

"Could you keep talking?"


"The duka"

I smirked into the dark. He hit my area of extreme nerdism, I asked of he had enough time to listen to all I had to say.

For the next hour, I gave him a crash course on Duka 101, their relatives, their evolutionary advantages, every single aspect. He listened, asking questions like he actually cared to listen.

His favorite animal was a falcon.

It's a bird

Is it a tree?

Point taken.

What do you like about them?

"I mean-" and a very weirdly informed crash course on Falcons. It was, endearing, to listen to him- and extremely dangerous.

Somewhere, into the night, listening to each other's silence was enough.

He whispered for me to have a good night, I whispered one back.

I tried to ignore how much time we'd spent on call.

Neon Lightsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें