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Amelia Deonte was one of those people that actually did look better in real life.

I'd studied all I could about her, FBI level of investigation,  even got some shady people involved- she was clean as an angel. She'd really chosen the best - Laila Moon Ga,  on paper and in real life. I'd spent the last two days basically spying on the family- real creepy in black clothes and a rental car- and they passed the check. Mason was an only child, Amelia and Damson seemed to be as in love as could get, and Mason shared in that. It was as healthy as a middle class house could get, Laila chose well and I had to give her that.

She had that mother factor, Amelia, nervously sipping her coffee with eyes softly looking into mine, these smile lines a reminder of the good life she'd made for herself and her family. We hadn't said much, over the phone, and Mason playing in the park, unaware. Of all the things I'd done in my life, this was by far the scariest of them all.

"He's your splitting image. No DNA tests needed"

I forced myself to look away from him- my little boy in a Spiderman merch outfit and a beetle tied to a string, my little loner, my beautiful boy. It hurt, to not touch him- but it would hurt me if I touched him so I kept my fingers to the lemonade.

"His dad's genes didn't even try"

She nod, this soft and warm nod- I don't know how I could tell but this once I was jealous of my own child. This should've been me. Could've been me.

"Marina Grace. It's, lovely to meet you. I was wondering when you'd show"

"Never, I was never supposed to. But, you know, you can't really stay away,  right?"

She nod like she knew. She did, she'd done the same as a teenager. She knew.

"I, I don't intend to take up your time, Amelia. Thank you for meeting with me, I hope this is the last time. Let's, hurry this up?"

She nod, patiently. I slid the files across the bench, left her to it as I- after trying with everything I had not to- watched the little curly haired boy in red. I tried not to, I told myself not to- I still did. I still did, and it hurt, so much.

"Whats this?"

"That's a list of everything I own. You have this copy, a bunch of lawyers have other copies. Mason is my- offspring- I have no other, it makes sense all I have is his, right? You're, his family now, it makes sense to leave it with you"

She said nothing to that. It was the most rational thing to do, I smiled through my paper straw.

"When he turns eighteen, it's all his. Please help him manage it. Thirty percent belongs to you, and your husband- you're family. You can collect it now. Everything I own, everything I'll ever own- 30 for you and 70 for him, when he's older. It, makes the most sense"

She looked through the papers, again- lists of everything I did own and I could see the motors turning in her head.

"How, old are you?"

"Turned twenty two recently. I know, what you're thinking. You're right."

She didn't look, scared. Or disgusted. Nothing in her face changed. She simply nod, slow and soft. Something in my heart clenched.

"You're, still a child"

I nod. I'd never been one, but I felt like one more than I cared to admit. More of, I wished I was one.

"I, don't want to take him back. I mean, I always will- there's not a day I won't want to- but he's better here. You're, his mother- he's happy. And we both agree it's better if he doesn't know, of me. This, is better."

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