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He looked different in a suit. Didn't they all? He looked, godly, really, something out of a museum- tanned skin and a deep smile. And God, he looked so beautiful in black.

See the thing about trying to take a man like Liam Kim on a date is- you quite frankly just can't. This was my date, I wore heels and all, he was the one to hold my door open. Drive us to the location because -in a dress like that? No way. This was his date, he made that subtly obvious, and I left him to it. I'd done my part, researched some fancy rooftop restaurant with picturesque views and five stars. He fit in. Surprisingly, we fit in. He called me beautiful every ten seconds and I tried to nod it away- I don't think id ever been called that. Attractive maybe. Sexy, a lot. Hot? All day everyday. Beautiful, something that simple? I couldn't find a single day. I filed that away in my list of 'will think about it all night' moments and thanked him for holding my chair. We had the window seat, I might or might not pulled an Alexander Moon Ga to do this but well he did say to use him, and I'd promised the man a date.

He made the order, I wasn't one for fancy meals, I don't know what I was thinking but he did. He grilled me for food preferences in the softest way ever. Spicy? Are you allergic? Whats your favorite fruit? Oh so you like sour things. Gravy or light soup? Well, same. Seafood or beef? I told, you let's get married. She'll have the [insert name], wink to me. I'd absolutely run into the sunset with him.

"You know, I was supposed to be the one taking you on a date"

He cracked a smile, white teeth and that look he gave me, like he could see everything about me.

"If you think I'm paying for anything you're out of your mind."

I laughed, I'd yet to see the prices because 'ladies don't pay' but the location gave a pretty good hint. Now,my bank wasn't bleeding, Laila had done a pretty good job to make sure of that over the years, but I should've taken Alex's damn black card.

"We could auction your kidney"

"See I knew you're spicy like that. It's a nice place Noona. I'll take a million pics and brag till the day I die"

"Of the place?"

"Of you"

I- and this is as horrific as it sounds- literally blushed.

"I'll miss you, Kim. So much. Come with me?"

His face softened at that, held his words till the food was spread out before us.

"Not yet. Let me pass the bar, right? Then I'll come get you. I'll get you a house and a dog named Luke and cats"

I thought I'd cry.

"I have literally never used chopsticks"

"I know. You eat rock hard egg, that's why I didn't get you anything soupy, you're not cultured like that. This one of for us that can handle liquid yolk"

He handed his fork over. I smiled a thanks. Banter floated to lighter topics,what's in this? What do you mean sea urchin gonads are you messing with me? No you're eating the children of a sea urchin right now.

I googled it. He wasn't joking.

Payback for that one time I stepped on one,I bit into it with a straight face. He burst into laughter, as dignified as he could. Eyes narrowed I ate my way through it. He did take a picture. Then another. I'd never felt so liked.

"Do you want to drink"

He didn't, neither did I. Banter died out , step two of the date was opera. Look, I. I was trying. I promised the man a date I'd deliver a damn date, and the internet had said opera was date things. He arched a brow and I did a little bow, taking a seat next to him . It was, something. I could see the appeal.

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