chapter xxxiv.

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We walked through the door and came to some dessert. I was in front of everyone I climbed up through a hole that was above us.

"Everyone just follow me try to be as fast as possible." I said. I was out of the hole and went to hide under a stone that would shield us from the wind. Annabeth came behind me, then Missy, Percy. Grover was suppose to be behind him.

"Grover, hurry up." Annabeth said. Grover hurried and Luke was right behind him.

"Not in Kansas." Percy said. Is he talking about the movie?

"Hey, focus." Annabeth started.

"We left Kansas four days ago." Missy finished giving Percy an confused look.

"Yeah. No, it’s a...Never mind." Percy said.

"It's a movie." I explained.

"Why are you talking about movies right now?" Missy asked. Camp half blood really needs to change some things.

"Never mind." I said.  I looked around me and saw something. Well someone. "Guys, is that who I think it is?" I looked at Luke. Grover started squishing the ball

"Charon, the boatman, taking new arrivals across the River Styx." Luke said not even looking at me.

"Which means that over there is the main gate." Annabeth explained. "Let’s go. Maybe we can get there first."

"Yeah." Grover said and started squishing the ball again. Annabeth took the ball from Grover's hand clearly annoyed.

"Why don’t you let me hang on to that for now?" She asked with a fake smile. I took a deep breath and started walking in front of everyone.

"Come on. We gotta hurry." I said and everyone followed. We were pushing through a lot of dead people I don't know how I haven't puked yet. Because that smell was fucking disgusting. Percy and I were in front.

"Excuse me. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Percy apogized as we walked through the crowd. "I’m sorry. Sorry.  Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. We’re with them, up there. Behind you. Sorry."

"This seems so wrong." Grover said from behind us.

"Nah. Only suckers wait in line." Percy answered.

"Just-" Grover started but Percy cut him off.

"You know, you should really spend some time in the city with me. I think you’d learn a lot." Percy said. We then finally made it to the front of the line.

"You’re not dead." Charon said to us.

"I mean I'm kinda feeling dead from the inside." I said honestly. I could feel Luke's eyes burning in the back of my head. Percy nodded.

"We’re all dying…to some extent." Percy finished. Charon sighed.

"And you didn’t pay to cross." Charon said as he brought a whistle to his mouth.

"Wait!" I shouted.

"We…we can pay! We can pay!" Percy finished. He openedthe bag Ares gave us. "Here. Drachmas. Just take…take, uh" Percy struggled.

"Just, you know, take them all." I said as I took them from Percy and gave him all the coins.

"You can buy a new whistle." Percy suggested. But Charon blew the whistle. We heard the cerberus growling and foot steps and barking.

"Go, go, go!" I said as we all turned and ran. We all sprinted as fast as we could I felt Luke grabing my hand and intertwining our fingers. The Cerberus was too fast. Annabeth and Missy were in front Luke and I right behind them and I hoped Percy and Grover were right behind us.

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