chapter xxxii.

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We pulled away to look at the man. He had dark hair and a small beard. He kinds looks like the guy that plays Hamilton. Luke took my hand and started walking away.

"Luke!" The mam said again and started following us. Wait was that his dad? Was that Hermes?

"Is that Hermes?" I asked Luke looking between him and the god.

"Yeah that's my dad." Luke said. I let go of Luke's hand and turned around and started walking towards Hermes. "Effie." Luke said as he followed me. I saw Hermes and he saw me. He smiled.

"Demigod-" Hermes started but I cut him off by punching him in the face. "Nice punch." Hermes said.

"Oh it's gonna be way more then just a punch if you continue talking. That was just for treating your children like shit." I snapped back at him.

"Effie." Luke said. Hermes gave me a 'you fucked up' look. "That was amazing."

"Are you serious? I'm your dad." Hermes complained.

"You mean like Poseidon is to me?" I asked.

"No. I was actually around." Hermes said back.

"And what'd you do when you were there?" I asked. Hermes stayed quiet. "Right. You fucked up."

"At least I tried to be there with the people I love." Hermes said.

"Well that's the difference between you and Poseidon then. He didn't love me. Or my mum. Or maybe he loved her too much that he raped her three years after I was born." Hermes face went blank. "Guess he doesn't tell a lot of people about that." Everybody was quiet for a while. Then Hermes opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry." Hermes apologised.

"What are you sorry for? You shouldn’t be apologising for Poseidon'a actions. You should apologies to your own kids. You know how? Claim them. And maybe come around camp for them. Cause right now you Could've been spending time with your kids right now. Instead you're here gambling. While those kids in the Hermes cabin are praying not just to you to every single fucking god to get noticed. But now you're gods you have your jobs. Why the fuck would you have kids if you do not care for them?"

"You think you know everything. Don't you? You think that we ignore yall on purpose. Well let me tell you something little girl. You do not understand anything about gods." Hermes said with his pointer finger up. Luke stood in front of me.

"Talk to my girlfriend like that one more time and see what happens." Luke said. Hermes looked at him confused.

"Girlfriend?" Hermes asked. "So that wasn't your furst kiss? That I just saw?" Hermes asked putting his hands on his hips.

"Nope." I said crossing my arms. Hermes looked at Luke.

"Seriously? You're the man of the camp and you could have any girl you want. And you choose a girl that's rude to the gods and did you see everything she did at camp just to get Poseidon's attention?" Luke shugged.

"What can I say dad? I guess I like crazy girls who are passionate about everything they do and that are not scared of anything."

"Well be ready to lose her at any moment then. Cause she's on every gods naughty list." Hermes said.

"You keep naughty list? What are you Santa claus?" I smiled. Hermes gave me a serious look.

"See what I mean. Look at the way she talks to a god. She even punched me." Hermes exclaimed.

"Boo-hu. You're lucky, I stabbed Ares." I said.

"See she's dangerous!" Hermes exclaimed again. Then went serious. "Luke, I do not want you to be around her anymore or even near her."

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