chapter xiii.

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After capture the flag Chiron called Percy to discuss something. So I waited for Percy to come back to the cabin so I can ask him what's up. Then I saw him walk through the door. I started walked towards him.

"Where are you going?" Luke asked me.

"I just need to ask Percy something real quick." I said and continued walking. Percy was already packing his things. "Hey, can we talk?" I crouched down.

"No. I don't really feel like talking to anybody." Percy said not even looking at me.

"Look I just wanted-" He then stood up and started walking away. "Hey!" I said as I stood up and followed him. "Will you just listen to me?"

"Why would I listen to you? You manipulated my blood for no reason." Percy said still walking away.

"For no reason? You said I wasn't trying hard enough to get that mother fuckers attention." I said as I stopped in front of him. "Okay, listen. I am a little dorry that I did that but you were being a bit of a dick so. But now I get why so I'm sorry. And besides like it or not we're siblings."

"You're not claimed." Percy said.

"Who else would be my father?" He opened his mouth but then closed it same second. "That's right I can manipulate water, so who else would be my father?" He nodded. "Okay let's start again. Hi I'm Juliet and we're siblings." I said putting my hand out for him to shake. He smiled a little and took Mt hand.

"I'm Percy." He said. We started walking again.

"So what'd Chiron say?" I asked shoving my hands in my pockets.

"He wanted me to go on a quest." Percy said.

"Did you accept it?" I asked.

"Yeah. But just because I need to save my mom." Percy said then his eyes widened.

"What do you mean you need to save your mum?" I asked confused.

"Nothing." He said looking away. I stopped and turned to face him. He did the same to hear what I had to say.

"It's okay I mean it's probably not but my point is it'll be alright. At some point. But not everyday, not everyday is supposed to be alright. And that's okay. But the point is you'll live. And now since I got that role as your older sister I'll help you." I said smiling at him. He didn't say anything he just hugged me. At first I didn't hug back but then I did after a few seconds when I felt that he needed a hug. After a minute he pulled away. We walked in silence to his cabin. He went to open the door but he turned around before he did.

"Thank you. I needed to hear that." He said and smiled.

"No problem. You can always come to me to hear my interpretations of life." I said jokingly.

"See ya in the morning Jules." Percy said and went in the cabin. I turned around and went back to the Hermes cabin. Luke waited for me at the door.

"You alright?" Luke asked as he was leaning on the door.

"Yeah just bonding with my younger brother." I said. He nodded and took my hand we walked in the cabin. We came to Luke's bottom bunk and sat down there. 

"So what he said?" Luke asked.

"He's going on a quest." I said. 

"What's the quest?" I shugged. I didn't really care what the quest was. I just hope he comes back alive. I heard that quests can be deathly sometimes. 

"He'll be alright." Luke said and kissed the top of my head. Hours passed it was 1 o'clock. I can't let Percy go alone on that quest I mean he probably won't be alone but still. If I go with him I can protect him. If you told me two days ago, that right now I would be losing sleep because of Percy Jackson. I would have laughed at your face. But here I was. I have to convince him to bring me to the quest with him. So I sneaked out of the Hermes cabin and went to the Poseidon cabin. I knocked on the opened window. Nothing. I saw he had an glass of water next to his bed so I manipulated it on his face. He woke up.

"Percy!" I whispered yelled at him. He turned in my direction.

"What are you doing here?" Percy whispered yelled back.

"You need to choose me to go on the quest with you!" I said.

"What?" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Choose me to go on a quest with you so I can protect you!" I said.

"I don't-" I cut him off.

"Dude I can manipulate anybody who has water in their blood. And that's basically anyone." I said. He opened his mouth to say something but closed the same second.

"I'll think about it. But you are on the list." He said.

"I better stay. On the list. See ya in the morning." I said and sneaked back to the Hermes cabin. I've just entered through the window.

"Where were you?" I heard Luke's voice behind me. I turned around quickly.

"Just a little walk. You know to clear my head." I said.

"You went to talk to Percy again." Luke said.

"Yeah so? I was worried and went to check if he's okay." I said.

"No. I'm glad you two are finally getting along." Luke said. "I just got scared when you weren't down next to my bunk." 

"Luke. I'm fine really. The only thing that's bothering me right now is the thought of Percy getting hurt in anyway." I said as I took his face in my hands.

"What changed from yesterday between you too?" Luke asked.

"Well now I understand why he was being a little bitch. Cause it's the same man that we came out from." I said. Luke gave me a disgusted look.

"That's disgusting." He said.

"But it's the truth. We came out of a same dick." I laughed.

"Stop saying that." Luke laughed as well.

"Well it's true." 

"Alright you were up too much." Luke said as he shoved me over his shoulder and carried me to his bunk. He then threw me on it.

"Asshole." I said he then climbed on top of me.

"Only your asshole." He said with a husky voice as his hands were the only thing holding him up from being completely on me. I put my arms around his neck and connected our lips. He started biting my lip. Me being stubborn as I am didn't let him enter. So he did the only thing that would make me open my mouth. He slowly started choking me with his right hand. I won again when he tried to enter my mouth. He then pulled away and started kissing down my neck. It felt so good. A small moan left my mouth. His hand flew to my mouth. "There are kids here." He said with a smirk. Everyday he was getting more confident.

"Shut up." I smiled knowing what he'll say next.

"Okay. Good night." He said and lied next to me turning his back. I did not expect that. I hugged him from behind.

"Turn around." He did as I said. I connected our foreheads and put my arms around his neck. Then slowly kissed him. Just once. I opened my eyes. Luke's eyes were already opened.

"I love you." Luke said yo me and kissed my forehead. "You don't have to say it back. I just wanted to let you know." He said with a smile. I smiled and put my left hand on his cheek and kissed his lips again.

"I love you too."

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