chapter i.

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"We found wonderland you and I got lost in it" I hummed as I doodled small flowers in my notebook. It was my last class of the day. To be exact, latin. Latin was probably the least boring subject in Montclair Kimberly academy. Mostly because of the teacher, mr. Peterson. He had an good learning method.

"Juliet." I heard mr. Peterson saying my name. I looked up from my notebook.

"Yeah sir?" I asked.

"Stop humming you slut!" Denise shouted annoyed and turning back to give me a dirty look.

"Denise! Do not insult your classmate like that! Unless you want a month of detention." Mr. Peterson said with a warning voice. Denise just rolled her eyes at that and turned back to the front and then the bell was heard. "Don't forget to do your homework till the next class and have a nice weekend." Everybody was already gone so I stood up to leave too with my headphones around my neck. I was about to put them on and leave. "Juliet."

"Yeah?" I asked with my hands on my headphones.

"You're leaving for the weekend?" He asked.

"My mum's not well. So yeah I'm going to see if she's alright." I nodded my head.

"I hope she gets well soon. Have a good weekend." He said and looked down at some papers. I nodded and put my headphones on and left the classroom. I walked down the hallway. I saw my stalker. He was my age I supposed since he was in my english class. I gave him a death glare and got out of the school. I sat on a bench and waited for my ride. I can't believe this is 13th school I changed in last 10 years.

I blame it on my dyslexia. And my anger issues that I got from my mum. The only thing I got from her along with a few threats and blaming me for ruining her life. But am I really to blame for that? I am just a product of her actions. The only person who you could blame for ruining her life is my father who didn't pull out in time. Oh my ride's here.

It was an half an hour drive. But don't get me wrong my mum wasn't that bad you could have sometimes have a civil conversation if she was in a mood. But the problem was that that wasn't that common. I walked to the store where I usually buy cigarettes. I bought 5 packs and then walked to my building and opened the door. I climbed the stairs and got to my floor and went to the apartment and unlocked the door. It was quite. What's going on? There's always music in here.

"Mum?" I called as I closed the door. She didn't answer. I looked around the apartment. Everything was messy which was normal but the silence freaked me out. Something caught my eye. Her journal. It was on the kitchen table. I took it and flipped through the pages. We're getting kicked out-not surprised, she stopped smoking-good for her, I'm a demigod-wait what?

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I heard my mum yell as I let go of her journal. I look her way-SLAP! "How many times must I tell you! DO. NOT. TOUCH. MY. JOURNAL." Another slap.

"Yeah whatever." I said rolling my eyes. "You don't seem that sick." I said looking her up and down.

"I'm not sick anymore. I asked for you to be here 2 weeks ago but they read the email this week." She said rolling her eyes and walking away to put somewhere her journal. "So how's school? You near being expelled again?"

"Surprisingly no." I said.

"Yeah? Who the fuck are you and what did you do with the child I birthed?" She asked sarcastically. She sat down at the table.

wonderland ~ Luke CastellanWhere stories live. Discover now