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Zhanghao opened his eyes, he slowly moved his eyes and saw he was on the floor. He slowly sat up and his eyes widened as he saw the dried pool of blood on the floor. His eyes squinted as his head throbbed.

He slowly stood up, leaning on the wall as he made his way to the bathroom. He held the sink as he looked at himself. Half of his face was covered in blood. His hair stuck to his forehead and his eyes were covered in blood.

He looked at himself in the mirror for sometime before he began to cry. He couldn't understand why Hanbin changed so much. He was never this physical with him.

He had crossed the line, It almost cost him his life.

Zhanghao sniffed and splashed water on his face, avoiding the open injury on his head. He tied a towel on his head to cover his injury and dizzily walked out, leaning on the wall to support himself.

He walked to the door and pulled it but it didn't open. He pulled it again but it didn't bulge. His eyes widened as he realized that Hanbin had locked him.

He began to bang on the door. "Hanbin! Please open the door! Hanbin please!" He yelled, he turned his head to look for his phone. "My phone" He muttered and began to look for his phone.

Zhanghao ruffled his hair when he couldn't find his phone. "Did Hanbin take it? No no no" He panicked as he gripped his hair. He walked out of the balcony.
He couldn't jump, if he did, he would instantly die.

He immediately regretted living in a mansion.

He hopelessly sat on the floor, resting his back on the bed. He heard his stomach rumble. He slowly wrapped his arms round his belly.

"I even forgot about you" He muttered, bitterly smiling. "What do I do?" He rested his head on his folded arms.


Gyuvin stirred in his sleep. He sighed and slowly opened his eyes. His brows furrowed before his eyes widened. He immediately got out of the bed, falling on the floor in shock as he looked at Tae Rae.

"What..What happened?" He asked himself as he stared at Tae Rae's sleeping state. He immediately searched for his clothes with his shaking hands.

"Fuck fuck fuck...fuck no" He kept muttering as he covered his mouth in shock. He slowly walked out of the room not knowing what to do. He gulped nervously as he thought of Ricky.

He quickly grabbed his car keys and left Ricky's house to give himself some breathing space.

Tae Rae opened his eyes and slowly sat up. He rubbed his eyes and his brows immediately furrowed as he got hit with Gyuvin's scent.

"This scent...It's so familiar" He muttered. Memories of the previous day began to flood his head. He knew he spent the night with an alpha but he couldn't identify the alpha. His heat had blocked out his senses to even see who it was.

He hugged himself in fear. "Did..Did someone break in? Oh no no-please no" He muttered as he felt his eyes get brimmed with tears. He didn't think his heat would be that bad to the point of not remembering anything.

He felt so dirty, so tainted that he had spent the night with someone he couldn't even remember.
He quickly got into the shower, scrubbing every part of his body with all his might.

His tears flowing nonstop. His head was full of so many bad thoughts. It was his heat and that was the most crucial part of every omega's life. It meant a high chance of conception, basically protection was meaningless.

"What if I get infected..who know if he has STDs"
Tae Rae muttered against himself as he cried.

He wiped his tears, wishing for Ricky to be back soon so he can talk to him about it as Ricky was his everything. He knew Ricky would have a wise decision for him.

He just couldn't wait to be in Ricky's embrace.


Gunwook sighed on his bed as he looked at his phone. "Why has he been ghosting me?" He muttered and dialed Tae Rae's number again, only for it to go to voicemail.

All his messages he sent were ignored and he kept sending more.

Yujin opened the door to his room and he looked at him. "He's still not answering?" Yujin asked walking around the bed and getting into the bed beside Gunwook.

Gunwook sighed and nodded as he watched Yujin open his bag of chips. "You'll get the chips everywhere on the bed" Gunwook nagged but Yujin ignored him and ate a chip to his face making Gunwook click his tongue.

"You seem a lot happier nowadays" Gunwook pointed out and Yujin shrugged smiling. He wouldn't say he was happy that Tae Rae was ghosting Gunwook but he was happy that Gunwook now had time for him.

He has been spending time with Gunwook like usual, unlike when Tae Rae and Gunwook hung out awfully a lot to the point of Gunwook having his scent over him. It pricked him a lot.

He just wished, even though it sounded wrong, he just wished Tae Rae would ghost Gunwook forever so he would have Gunwook all to himself.

"He's still ghosting you?" Yujin asked and Gunwook nodded dejectedly. "Are you sure he hasn't met someone he likes?" Yujin said and Gunwook quickly glared at him.

"Hey I might be right. Who knows, he might be with his boyfriend now, he doesn't ghost you so for him to ghost you, he must have found someone. Everyone does that" Yujin said and Gunwook looked away from him.

Yujin panicked a little when he saw Gunwook's head fall dejectedly as he sulked. "It might also not be true. D-Don't take it to heart. He might also be busy"
He said, at least trying to lift Gunwook's mood.

Gunwook sighed and nodded his head.
"I guess I have to wait. I can't give up on him"
He said and Yujin just looked away at his words.

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