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"Hello my beautiful Angel" Gyuvin said and dramatically bowed. Ricky sighed and looked at his assistant with a glare.

"You let him in, once again" He said and his assistant looked down in guilt. "You know how he is Sir, I couldn't stop him" Sooyeon said and Ricky sighed, sending her off.

Ricky looked at Gyuvin who had a goofy smile on his face as he wiggled his brows. Gyuvin pulled out a seat and sat in front of Ricky. He placed the food bags he brought.

"My love, I know you don't have time to eat, so once again, here I am" Gyuvin smiled and started unpacking the bags.

Ever since they hung out at the beach, Gyuvin didn't stop coming to Ricky's office. He would bring flowers and food for him or he would bring something he saw on the way.

"Don't call me that and stop coming here Gyuvin"
Ricky said, not knowing when Gyuvin's name slipped out of his mouth.

Gyuvin smiled when he heard his name. He knew Ricky never noticed whenever he called him by his name and he was at least delighted to hear it from his mouth.

"Stop being mean and eat" Gyuvin said pushing the food in front of Ricky. Ricky scoffed and grabbed his chopsticks. Just as he was about to eat, his assistant knocked.

"Sir, Mr. Kim's here" Sooyeon said and Ricky rubbed his forehead thinking of which Mr. Kim.
"Tae Rae?" Ricky asked and Sooyeon nodded.
"I told you to always let him in, is that too hard for you?" Ricky asked and Sooyeon sighed as she shook her head.

She opened the door and Tae Rae walked in.
"Don't be hard on Sooyeon, she's doing her job. By the way Sooyeon, I got you this" Tae Rae said, taking out an iced latte for her because he remembered her telling him she liked it.

"Thank you sir" Sooyeon said smiling as she bowed.
Tae Rae turned and froze when he saw Gyuvin there.
"Oh? Gyuvin you're here?" He asked and Gyuvin nodded as he stood up.

He walked to Tae Rae and placed his arm around his shoulder. "I brought some food for Ricky, what's in your hands?" He asked and Tae Rae gave him the bag.

"Just drinks, I didn't know you'd come today, I would have gotten something for you" Tae Rae said and Gyuvin shook his head as he ruffled
Tae Rae's hair. "No problem, we can always share"


Their attention moved to Ricky when they heard him scoff. He looked at them with a glare.
Why's he that close to Tae Rae? Move away.

Gyuvin removed his arm from Tae Rae when he saw Ricky glare at him. So protective of Tae Rae.

Tae Rae sat down and took out the drinks.
"Ouu I love this" he said and ate out of Ricky's chopsticks. Ricky didn't want him to share with Gyuvin so he opened his drink for Tae Rae.

Gyuvin just watched Ricky eat as he talked to
Tae Rae. He looked at Ricky's drink and saw that he drank most of it.

Tae Rae stopped talking when he felt something poke his lips. He looked down and saw a straw.
"Drink up" Gyuvin said holding the drink for
Tae Rae.

Tae Rae's face immediately heated up when Gyuvin did that. He sipped some and moved away.
Gyuvin unconsciously patted his head and placed his drink in front of Tae Rae.

"You can have mine" He told Tae Rae and Ricky gritted his teeth as he glared at Gyuvin.

"Uhm I- I'll be right back." Tae Rae said and walked out of Ricky's office. Ricky quickly turned to Gyuvin.

"Yah. What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That! Why are you being so lovey dovey to
Tae Rae? Is he your partner that you should do that? Huh?" Ricky asked with his brows furrowed.

"I was just being thoughtful, is something wrong with me doing that?" Gyuvin asked but Ricky didn't reply. He just glared at him.

"I know what you're doing Gyuvin. Trying to get close with me so I can let you have Tae Rae.
Haha not on my watch. You better stop whatever is on your mind" Ricky said and Gyuvin looked at him in disbelief.

"This..This is what you've been thinking all this time? So I've been wasting my efforts just for you to think this?" Gyuvin laughed as he shook his head while Ricky looked at him skeptical.

Gyuvin stood up from his seat and walked to Ricky while Ricky moved his seat back till it hit the wall.
Gyuvin hovered over Ricky with a smile.
"You've been mistaken...It's you I want"
He whispered as he slowly moved away Ricky's hair from his face.


Zhanghao slowly opened his eyes. His eyes slowly moved around as he tried to analyze where he was.
His consciousness came when he recognized he was at home. He slowly sat up as he rubbed his eyes, only for him to immediately hiss.

He leaned on the walls for support and he climbed up to his room. He stopped walking when he reached his dressing table. He sat down and looked at himself in the mirror.

The face he saw in the mirror wasn't his. It looked nothing like the face he adored. His face was stained with dried blood and he slowly felt the pain kick in.
His neck was bruised with purple hue everywhere.

He sighed and looked away. He walked to the bed and got in. Covering himself and completely ignoring the pain he felt.

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