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Zhanghao stared at the wall, his head short of thoughts. He felt so empty, having nothing in mind to do. It was as if his body had shut down, feeling so numb.

The door opened and Hyunjin walked in, he stood by the door as he looked at Zhanghao's lost face.

Zhanghao called him days ago with Matthew's phone and he quickly rushed to the hospital because he hadn't been able to speak to him.

He couldn't even recognize him, he had lost so much weight and could barely let out words. He immediately blamed himself for not being there for him.

Zhanghao's eyes slowly moved to the door and saw Hyunjin. Hyunjin flashed a small smile as he walked to him. "How are you doing?" He lowly asked.

Zhanghao looked away, not replying him. Hyunjin sighed when he saw that, he grabbed a chair and sat beside his bed. He didn't speak for sometime as he let Zhanghao get comfortable with his presence.

"I..I'm sorry Hao. I tried filing a case but..my request was put aside when they heard it was Hanbin.
...I called those who could help me but–

"I told you..I told you to leave it...I'll deal with this myself" Zhanghao said, his face showing no emotions. "I'll end this myself" He muttered.

Hyunjin looked at Zhanghao. He looked so different.
"Just don't do what you'd regret later" Hyunjin said and Zhanghao turned on the bed, ignoring him.


Hanbin chuckled as he got out of his car. It's been a while since he's seen Zhanghao, not that he actually wanted to nor cared. He was the one that left Zhanghao unconscious and left the house for days.

He wouldn't lie when asked, he has been enjoying himself without Zhanghao. He wasn't bothered to look for Zhanghao when he got back and didn't see him at home.

He would bring back different men and women on different nights. Enjoying his sins to the climax.
Zhanghao was a useless omega to him so he didn't care whatever happened to him.

He got in and tilted his head in confusion.
"I'm sure I left the lights on when I left" He muttered and turned the lights on. His eyes widened as he didn't expect what came at him.

Zhanghao swung a baseball bat at him, knocking him out. Zhanghao brushed his hair back as he watched Hanbin's body on the floor.

He dropped his bat and held Hanbin's legs, dragging him to the center of the living room, placing him on a chair. He walked away and got back with ropes.

He tied his legs, his arms behind the chair and his torso tightly tied to the chair. He leaned out and Hanbin's head fell. He moved away and walked into the kitchen.

He took out the food he had made for himself and walked back into the sitting room. He sat on the couch and began to eat as he watched Hanbin.

His face holding no expressions, his eyes empty of emotions.

Hanbin groaned and twitched his eyes in pain.
He slowly looked up, squinting his eyes. Once he saw Zhanghao his brows furrowed.
"What the heck are you doing here? Didn't you run off with Hyunjin? What–

He stopped talking when he felt his body bound to the chair. "The fuck?! Who tied me up this way?! I'll fucking kill you Hao!" He yelled as he struggled to free himself.

Zhanghao closed his eyes as he listened to Hanbin's yelling. He moved his hand and gripped his baseball bat. He opened his eyes, sighing as he stood up.

He walked to Hanbin, dragging the bat on the floor.
He crouched to Hanbin's height and looked him into his eyes. Hanbin stopped talking when he saw Zhanghao look at him.

He felt a bit intimidated, seeing Zhanghao's stoic face.

"Are you done yelling?" Zhanghao lowly asked as he tilted his head. Hanbin gritted his teeth.

"I'll fucking ki–

"Kill me? Let me see you try" Zhanghao muttered and smirked as he patted Hanbin's cheek.

He stood up and ruffled his hair before bitterly chuckling. "I should have been wiser...I really should have" He muttered as he looked at Hanbin.

"Hanbin..Do you want a divorce by chance?"
He asked smiling. Hanbin kept quiet as he didn't expect Zhanghao to ask him that.

"Because I don't. We'll be together forever. Till death do us part...Cute right?" Zhanghao asked as he
grinned. Hanbin's brows furrowed at Zhanghao.
He couldn't understand why Zhanghao acted...weird.

"Look..just ignore the small beatings. Untie me, I won't touch you" Hanbin said. "You know I love you, I really won't"

Zhanghao eyes widened as he looked at Hanbin.
"You..love me?" He muttered and Hanbin nodded smiling. "Yes, now untie me"

Zhanghao gently rubbed Hanbin's hair.
"You love me" He muttered then he gripped Hanbin's hair back. "If you did..you wouldn't have ruined my life..you wouldn't have"

Hanbin nervously chuckled. "Hah what are you talking about? Nevermind that, just untie me"

Zhanghao nodded and let go of his hair.

"It seems you're bigger than everyone. No one can bring you down...I'm the only one who can avenge myself. Hanbin..." Zhanghao paused

"I'll take care of you, okay? Don't worry"
He said and Hanbin grimaced in confusion.
What the hell was he saying.

Zhanghao walked out and walked back in, holding a container. Hanbin eyed the container and eyed Zhanghao skeptically.

Zhanghao squatted in front of him.
"Do you know what I've always wanted my last moment to be?...I wanted us to eat our favorite food, spend our last moments as we die old."
He paused and smiled.

"I don't even think...I have a purpose to live"
He said as tears brimmed his eyes.

"I loved you Hanbin but you killed me" He said smiling."I hope...next time. Just incase we meet again Hanbin. Please...Please don't befriend me"
He said and patted Hanbin's hair.

Hanbin looked at Zhanghao nervously.
"W-What do you mean? Why are you saying all these?" He asked but Zhanghao just smiled at him in return.

"Let's go now. Shall we?" Zhanghao muttered smiling as he opened the container. He raised it up, pouring the liquid all over Hanbin.

He stopped and Hanbin immediately took a deep breath and spat out the liquid that had gotten into his mouth. His eyes widened as he looked at Zhanghao.

"H-Hao. What are you doing with fuel?!"

Zhanghao ignored him, walking around the sitting room, pouring the fuel all over the furnitures.
"Stop what you're doing Hao!! Are you insane?!
Stop!" Hanbin yelled.

Zhanghao ignored him as he soullessly continued what he was doing.

He got back and stood in front of Hanbin, pouring the rest of the fuel on his body. He wiped his face and smiled as he looked at Hanbin.

Hanbin looked at him speechless.
"Yah! Are you mad?!" He yelled. Zhanghao chuckled and sat on his lap, wrapping his arms round Hanbin's neck. He then rested his head on his shoulder.

"I've always pictured us this way" He muttered.

"You didn't have to ruin our lives Hanbin. We could have grown in love, had a family...but here we are, dying together" He whispered and Hanbin began to wiggle.

"Fuck you! I'm not dying- Fuck Hao!! Where are your senses?!" Hanbin yelled.

Zhanghao took out the matchstick he had.
Hanbin gulped as he looked at it. Zhanghao lit it and threw it across the room, the couch immediately caught fire and the fire spread through the trails of the fuel.

Zhanghao sighed in content and hugged Hanbin tighter as he smiled. "Hanbin, I can be crazy too"

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