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"Hao. Why is this scent coming from you?"

Zhanghao gulped and quickly tried to escape Hanbin but Hanbin gripped him down.

"I ask again. Why is this scent coming from you?"

"H-Hanbin...wait-wait..I can explain" Zhanghao nervously rambled. "I went to the hospital today and I..I-gosh how do I explain this. Wait wait!"
Zhanghao shouted when Hanbin raised his hand to hit him.

He was so scared he had started crying. "I..Omega..
My gender shifted..I-I don't know how but–

"Are you trying to say that...you're now..an omega?"

Zhanghao gulped and nodded. Hanbin stared into his eyes without speaking and it scared the shit out of Zhanghao. Hanbin released him and walked out of their room.

Zhanghao sat up panting as he stared at the door in fear. He had never seen Hanbin that quiet to the point of leaving the room. He quickly got out of his bed and began to search his phone.

"H-Hyunjin..help" He kept muttering, wiping his tears as he looked for his phone. His eyes widened when he saw his phone, he quickly grabbed it and went to his contact list.

His shaking fingers not helping him as he looked back each second to see if Hanbin was coming.
He dialed Hyunjin's number but Hyunjin didn't pick up. He bit his lip nervously as he tried again.

His eyes widened when he heard footsteps approaching. "P-Please Hyunjin..pick up!"
He yelled frustratingly as he cried.

He turned and saw Hanbin walking towards the door with a hammer in his hand. His eyes widened as he scurried to the vertice of the wall, clenching his phone.

Hyunjin didn't pick the call and Zhanghao felt his whole being die. He quickly called him again as he watched Hanbin walk into their room and walk towards him.


Just as Zhanghao was about to quickly talk back to Hyunjin, Hanbin raised his hammer and hit him with all his strength, instantly knocking Zhanghao out.

Hanbin watched as Zhanghao's body fell, he looked away and grabbed Zhanghao's phone.
"Hao? Is something wrong? S-Should I come over? You're scaring me Hao!"

Hanbin smirked and ended the call. He threw the hammer across the room and sat on the floor as he opened Zhanghao and Hyunjin's chats.


[Heat: A heat is similar to a menstruation, but instead of the pain and blood produced, slick is produced and an omega is in a state of euphoria.

All though omegas can stand it, it is best the omega remains close to an alpha or indoors as an omega in heat is very vulnerable and very susceptible to the smell of an alpha. Making it easy to take advantage of them.

The intervals between a heat can be a month or year. Heats are basically when an omega is capable of catching and may be the only time for them to catch if they are male.

What occurs inside the body is it produces a large amount of body heat as the body is in a state of arousal. Heats also triggers the slick glands to activate and overproduce, causing some of it to seep out of the anal cavity.

During this time in male omegas, the uterus is being formed, if an omega is being mated a muscle opens the uterus within the omega to allow the seed of an alpha to catch. This is to ensure that the uterus doesn't intake waste disposed from the body.

The time for heats vary, from a few days to two weeks. Depending on how often the heat is and certain genetic factors, the heat can vary in intensity and effects on others.

Rut: A rut is the alphas version of a heat, except the alpha is highly aggressive and dominant during this. It is brought on when an omega triggers it through their heat,

however it can happen naturally as shown in some omega fics. During this time the alpha is highly aroused and will seek out an unmarked or unmated omega to have catch.]

Tae Rae squirmed on the bed sweating, although the aircon was on. He groaned as he wrapped his hands round his abdomen, the pain was nerve racking.

He was currently experiencing his heat. He used to spend his heat with his partners but as he didn't have any partner he was spending it alone.

Ricky offered him to spend his heat in his house as he was traveling and also because Alphas lived more where Tae Rae resided and his heat could unintentionally trigger the Alphas' heat.

Tae Rae's head was cloudy, his heat usually lasted for a week and it was the last day making it so intense for him that he couldn't see straight.

His senses were blocked out, all that was on his mind was his pain.

The door to Ricky's house opened and Gyuvin walked in humming. He came to see Ricky but Ricky hadn't informed him of him traveling. He placed his bag on the couch and immediately stopped.

He quickly held his the couch for support as he perceived Tae Rae's strong scent. His senses were getting toyed as the scent got stronger. He didn't know when he started walking up to Ricky's room.

He opened the door and looked in. He was almost knocked over by the scent of arousal. His head was aching and he could feel his rut getting triggered.

He walked closer and got a glimpse of Tae Rae on the bed, looking in pain. He shook his head trying to stop himself but his alpha kicked in, ignoring his trials as he joined Tae Rae on the bed.

Tae Rae felt a presence, he knew the person was an alpha and his natural omega instincts made him quickly latch on Gyuvin, not even seeing him.
All that was on his mind was to ease his pain.

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