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Zhanghao packed Hanbin's lunchbox, he put it in a bag. He saw Hanbin walk down the stairs in his work suit. Zhanghao looked away, grabbed his breakfast plate and turned to leave.

Hanbin held his arm when he tried walking past him. Hanbin sighed and rubbed his temples.
"Until when will you keep this up?" He asked but Zhanghao didn't say anything.

"I already apologized Hao. You don't have to take things this far. Do you think I actually intended to hit you?" Hanbin said looking at the bruise on Zhanghao's lip.

Zhanghao still didn't look at him. Hanbin sighed and turned his face to his. "You don't know how hard it's been for me. Ever since that day Hao, I can't sleep without thinking of you, I've been going through a lot and you're still ignoring me? Don't you care about me?"

Zhanghao immediately looked at Hanbin when he heard how sad he sounded. "No I do care Hanbin. I just don't think you care about me anymore. You've never hit me and you did" Zhanghao said and Hanbin quickly cupped his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I was just angry at that moment. I promise never to do it again. I love you a lot to do that Hao, please forgive me" Hanbin said and hugged Zhanghao.

Zhanghao sighed and rubbed Hanbin's back.


"Yah! Yah! Yah! You said a small bite" Ji Woong playfully yelled at Matthew in disbelief. Matthew bit off more than half of Ji Woong's corn dog.

"Sowwy" Matthew said grinning with his full mouth.
Ji Woong clicked his tongue and looked away as he couldn't handle Matthew's cuteness.

"You always do this, you say you don't want to eat but when I get mine, you eat almost everything.
What a baby" Ji Woong nagged but Matthew just laughed because Ji Woong was right.

Ji Woong kept his hand over Matthew's shoulder as they enjoyed their night stroll. Something caught Matthew's eyes and it was a woman carrying her sleeping baby.

Matthew tugged Ji Woong's shirt. "Hyung look. Aren't they cute? The baby looks so squishy, wahh I want to bite his cheeks so cute" Matthew kept rambling.

Matthew stopped when he heard Ji Woong sigh.
His smile slowly fell as he realized the meaning behind Ji Woong's sigh.

"Hyung..won't you change your mind?" Matthew sadly asked, looking up to Ji Woong.

Ji Woong looked away and held Matthew closer.
"I just don't want kids Matthew. Thought we've talked about this. It can just be the two of us, that's how I've always pictured our future"

"But Hyung, I want a little us. Can't you reconsider?"
Matthew asked softly hugging Ji Woong.
Ji Woong rubbed his temple as he sighed.
"You just don't listen. Let's go home"

Matthew frowned and yanked his hand off him and stormed off.


Gunwook got out of his room shirtless, he had just gotten out of the shower. He walked to the living room and saw Yujin playing games. Yujin was so concentrated that he didn't notice Gunwook watch his game.

Gunwook took one of the couch pillows and softly hit his head to get his attention. "You're still at it? Give your eyes some rest. Move back a little, the brightness will hurt your eyes" Gunwook nagged.

Yujin groaned. "Shush Hyung" Yujin said, ignoring what Gunwook just said. Gunwook placed his hands on his hips as he watched Yujin continue playing his game.

"You're so stubborn" Gunwook said and crouched. He put his hands under Yujin's arms and pulled him away from the screen. "Hyung! Wait wait, I'm losing!" Yujin yelled but Gunwook ignored him and kept pulling him away.

"K.O" Yujin heard and saw his avatar lay dead. He dropped his console and quickly turned to Gunwook with a glare.

"Yah! Hyung you made me lose my–
Yujin paused when he saw Gunwook shirtless, his wet hair wetting his shoulders, his scent even more prominent now he took a shower.

Yujin quickly looked away and stood up, still avoiding Gunwook's gaze. "Hm, w-whatever. You can eat your games" He whined and sheepishly threw his console on the couch.

Gunwook crossed his arms and shook his head at Yujin's childish behavior. "Have you had lunch?"
Gunwook asked and Yujin shook his head.

"What do you want? Tell me, I'll make it" Gunwook said and Yujin acted like he wasn't interested.
"Hm. Whatever you want to cook" he said and crossed his arms.

Gunwook scoffed because he could see right through Yujin. "I'll make you your favorite animal shaped dumplings. You baby" Gunwook said and walked past Yujin.

Yujin huffed and patted his cheeks.
"Yah stop blushing or he'll know you like him"
He muttered to himself.

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