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Zhanghao rubbed his arm as he looked at the frozen meat displayed, contemplating if he wanted it or not.
He looked at the worker and saw a look of pity on her face and he looked away, avoiding her gaze.

Probably because of the bruises.

He walked away from the frozen section and just decided to buy the rest of the stuff on the grocery list. He bit on his lip and rubbed his arm, trying to keep warm because of the cold temperature of the grocery store.

"Would you like a jacket? You look cold"

"Hn?" Zhanghao got out of his thoughts when he heard someone speak to him. He turned and saw a man looking at him with a smile as he took off his jacket.

"Oh no. I'm fine" Zhanghao lied and looked back to his list. The man had already noticed Zhanghao's bruises and his pale colored chapped lips.

"You don't seem to be fine" The man said and tried to put his jacket on Zhanghao but Zhanghao flinched and quickly raised his arm trying to cover his face in reflex.

The man paused when he saw Zhanghao defensively cover his face and close his eyes. His brows furrowed.

"Is something wrong with you? I don't want to pry but..are things okay with you and maybe your partner? Do you need help?" The man gently asked and Zhanghao quickly shook his head.

He remembered how he ended up at the brim of death just because Matthew found out.
The man saw the look in Zhanghao's eyes, mostly fear. He sighed.

"I'm Hyunjin by the way, What's your name?"
Hyunjin asked and Zhanghao bit his lip. Hanbin had warned him not to speak to anyone when outside and he worried that Hanbin might see.

"Hyunjin-ah. Your meeting's about to start, haven't you gotten what you wanted? I wonder why you'd even come to a grocery store this morning"
Someone said, walking towards them.

He stopped and bowed when he saw Zhanghao.

Hyunjin turned to reply to Felix his friend and in a blink of an eye, Zhanghao was gone.

Hyunjin clicked his tongue. "He really needs help"


"He is?" Hanbin chuckled and sipped his whiskey.
He crossed his legs and looked at Ji Woong.
"Are you even sure the baby's yours?" He asked and scoffed.

Ji Woong glared at him and Hanbin raised his hands in the air. "What? I mean, you told me he was on birth control right? Who knows? He might have been seeing other men and things just didn't end up right this time" Hanbin said smirking.

"I warned you about omegas. They're money leeching assholes that will spread their legs for anyone. Now here you are, with an engagement ring and a broken heart" Hanbin said and laughed out loud.

"Ahh it really feels good to be right. Can't help but say, I told you so. I mean, come on, think"
Hanbin said and got closer to Ji Woong.

"He's pregnant and he told you when you just got off a really big case, saying the child's yours. Who wouldn't want to eat from your wealth. I must say, he outsmarted you" Hanbin said and leaned back to his seat as he watched Ji Woong think.

Gunwook got back to his sitting room and sat beside
Ji Woong. "Hyung, I hope you didn't listen to whatever Hanbin Hyung told you. I didn't hear it but I'm sure it's bad" Gunwook said and Hanbin rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

"I gave him a reality check Gunwook-ah. He seems to know nothing about Omegas" Hanbin said smirking. Gunwook shook his head at Hanbin, wondering why he's even friends with him.

"Hyung have you spoken to him ever since he told you about it?" Gunwook asked, trying to reason with Ji Woong. Ji Woong sighed and brushed his hair backwards.

"I haven't. I just..I just need some time to think"
He muttered and Hanbin sighed frustrated.
"I already told you all you need to hear. Dump his cheating ass. He's gonna try leeching on your wealth with that thing he's carrying–

"Hyung stop that" Gunwook scolded Hanbin and looked back at Ji Woong.

"Hyung, I'm not Matthew hyung's partner, neither is Hanbin Hyung. You're his partner. You know him better than everyone else, You've been together for more than a decade for crying out loud.

What you're doing now is just wasting time and breaking your relationship. Have a seat with him and discuss things through. You don't know what he's going through without having you there.

Not only are your emotions over the place, his are too. I'm sure you don't want to lose a gem because of your irrational feelings."

Ji Woong sighed after listening to what Gunwook said. Hanbin looked at him when he saw that
Ji Woong could actually take Gunwook's advice into consideration. He knew how soft hearted Ji Woong was, so he decided to go even further.

"Don't forget how Uncle abused you. You know what you passed through in your father's hands. You grew up with him abusing you, calling you bad words,
telling you that you're failure.

I saw all that and you lived with all that. Now tell me...Do you want to take Matthew back and your 'supposed' baby. Do you want to raise a kid when you haven't even healed from your trauma?

I'm sure you don't want that. You might end up like your father. You will end up being abusive because you grew up in an abusive home.

That's your worst fear right?

Now that is what will happen if you take Matthew back in" Hanbin finished and smirked when he saw Ji Woong looking into space.

He leaned back and sipped his whiskey smirking.
"I'm sure you don't want to be like your father".

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