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Matthew paused mid sentence when Zhanghao's sunglasses fell off his face.

Revealing a swollen black eye.

Zhanghao quickly tried to put back on his sunglasses but Matthew was quick to stop him. "Hyung"
He muttered. Matthew grabbed his hand and looked around. He wore Zhanghao's sunglasses back and walked out of the cafe with Zhanghao.

He got into his car with Zhanghao and looked around. "Hyung..what the heck happened to you?!"
Zhanghao flinched as Matthew yelled.

He looked away from Matthew, trying to hide his face. "I..I fell down the stairs"
Matthew scoffed, looking at Zhanghao in disbelief.

"Hyung, I'm sure you know I'm a doctor and I know for a fact that THAT didn't come from falling down the stairs, anyone can tell. Who the hell hit you" Matthew asked but Zhanghao kept quiet. It was then it clicked.

"Did..Did that scum Hanbin do this to you?!"
Matthew shouted in anger and shock. Zhanghao turned and quickly shook his head.

"No- I mean, Yes but it wasn't his fault. I..I got back late from work and didn't make him dinner"
Zhanghao said and Matthew scoffed in disbelief.

"And?! I don't still get your point. I come back late from the hospital and Ji Woong hyung makes dinner for us even though he's tired. What the actual heck is wrong with you Hyung" Matthew shouted.

"He already apologized Matthew. He won't do it again" Zhanghao said with his head held low.
Matthew sighed as he rubbed his temples.

"Wild Animals like Hanbin won't ever stop because YOU always forgive him. He'll do it again Hyung and again, and again. Stop giving him chances, he's abusing you and you're defending him?!"

Zhanghao still didn't say anything and Matthew sighed again. "Oh my gosh this is..this is just too much. We're going to file a case against him"

Zhanghao's eyes widened. "What?! No. No no no. It's just a small bruise, I don't have to go that far"

"You're literally looking at me with an eye and you still want to settle for a man beater? Heck no, not on my watch. I'll tell Ji Woong about this, he'll help me file a case and this time Hanbin won't be pardoned because of his connections and affluence"

Zhanghao was about to speak but Matthew raised his palm to shut him up. "I don't want to hear anything from you. You've really let me down hyung"
Matthew said as he opened his phone to contact his lawyer friends.


Once Ji Woong opened the door, Matthew walked in and dropped his bag on the couch. "Hyung, you won't believe what I just found out" Matthew said with his hands placed on his hips.

Ji Woong closed the door and walked to Matthew, helping him remove his jacket. "What happened"

"Can you imagine? I met Hao Hyung today, guess what I found out" Ji Woong's eyes furrowed.
"You met Hao? It's been three years now I think, since you've seen him. And what did you find out?"

Matthew scoffed and ruffled his hair.
"He had a huge black eye!" Matthew shouted and
Ji Woong's eyes widened. "A black eye?"

"Yes! And guess what. It's his lovely sweet husband Hanbin that hit him" "What?!" Ji Woong shouted his shock. "Hanbin hit him?!"

"Yes! No wonder he's always locked up at home. Who knows what he's been doing to Hao hyung behind closed doors, what a monster"
Matthew yelled in anger.

Ji Woong brushed his hair backwards as he still couldn't believe what Matthew just told him.
"Are you sure you heard correctly?" Ji Woong asked and Matthew glared at him.

"I'm not deaf, am I? Gosh- we have to file a case. He needs to be punished for this" Matthew said and
Ji Woong looked at Matthew fuming. He sighed and held Matthew's shoulders.

"Calm down. I'll speak to him first of all then we can decide what we need to do. Okay?" Ji Woong said and Matthew scoffed and yanked his hands off his shoulders.

"What's there to talk about? You want to talk while drinking tea and biscuits?! Who knows what he's doing now and you want to talk? You're a Prosecutor, put yourself to use for fuck's sake"

Ji Woong rubbed his face and sighed as he listened to Matthew yell at him. "Fine. Fine. Take a deep breath and relax. I'll handle this." Ji Woong looked at his wristwatch.

"I'll meet him in his office, I'm leaving now."


Zhanghao bit his lips as he waited for Hanbin to come back from work. He was scared that Matthew actually filed a case and Hanbin found out.
He just didn't want Hanbin in jail.

He walked back and forth nervously picking his fingers. His attention was grabbed when he heard Hanbin's car drive in.

He waited for some minutes before the door busted open. He gulped and moved back.
"H-Hanbin..you're back" he said smiling although he was scared because of Hanbin's intimidating face.

Hanbin threw his bag on the couch and removed his
jacket slowly. He unknotted his tie as he looked at Zhanghao, wrapping them round his hand.

"You met up with Matthew to tell him..I hit you?"
He asked lowly and Zhanghao quickly shook his head. "You made Ji Woong come to my work and spout nonsense. What? You want to file a case?"
Hanbin said and scoffed.

He walked closer to Zhanghao and Zhanghao hit his back on the wall. "Let me see you try. Go on. Let me see who'd believe that I did this." Hanbin gritted his teeth and fisted his hand.

"You always disobey me Hao. You deserve to be punished. Severely" Hanbin said and gripped  Zhanghao's neck. He pushed him to the ground and started punching him.

"Next. Time. You. Keep. Your. Words. To. Your. Self"
Hanbin said after each punch. His eyes were filled with rage, as he punched Zhanghao.

He stopped and brushed his hair backwards panting.
He fisted Zhanghao's neck, strangling him.
"You love attention right? I'll give it to you"

Zhanghao's eyes widened as he profusely tapped Hanbin's hands, trying to free himself. He couldn't feel his face but all that was on his mind was his life slipping out of his hands.

"L-Let me...go" Zhanghao felt himself struggle to breath. His chest was clenching in pain, his head started getting dizzy. He saw everything start to spin in circles as his energy left his body.

His head fell back as his hands slowly slid off Hanbin's hands.

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