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Gunwook looked at Tae Rae. "Preg..Pregnant?"

Tae Rae nodded and looked away. "Yes. I...I really don't want anything right now. I just want to focus on my health" He said and Gunwook sighed.

"Does the father know?"

Tae Rae shook his head looking down. "I don't..plan on telling him. It's a mistake afterall" He muttered and looked at Gunwook. "So don't like me..I have a lot going on"

Gunwook kept quiet as he gathered his thoughts.
"Hyung...I don't think I can change my mind...If you let me, we can raise the child together" Gunwook said and Tae Rae quickly looked at him.

"Are you hearing yourself? You want to what?..no no I can't let you. It's a big decision, I don't want you ruining your life with me" Tae Rae shook his head.

Gunwook placed his hands on Tae Rae's shoulders.
"I can't let you pass through this alone. Even if..Even if you don't like me back, Let me be with you through this time. Please..."

Tae Rae looked away from Gunwook's eyes and look elsewhere. He sighed and rubbed his temple.
"Give me sometime...Don't contact me. I'll be the one to contact you..Just..Just let me be for now"

Gunwook removed his hands and nodded.
"Hyung...I'll be waiting" He said and gave Tae Rae a small smile.


Zhanghao and Matthew quickly looked towards the door as someone walked in. Ji Woong rushed to the bed. "Are you okay? I heard what happened"
He worriedly asked.

Zhanghao soullessly nodded. "I've been in Hanbin's ward, I just got out now. I wanted to come see you but Hanbin's in a critical state and–

"Wait wait..What did you just say?" Matthew cut
Ji Woong off as he walked closer. Ji Woong furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Hanbin's just in the next ward. He was brought in hours ago" Ji Woong said and Zhanghao's eyes widened. "Hanbin survived?..then-then..where's Hyunjin?" He asked as he sat up.

Ji Woong's face changed as he licked his lips.
"He and one of the paramedics were found dead after they rescued Hanbin"

"What do you mean?" Zhanghao muttered, refusing to take in what Ji Woong had just said. Matthew covered his mouth in shock. He should have stopped Hyunjin, he should have.

"Didn't you see the news? They were too late to leave the house..I was here when they were brought in dead...Hyunjin looked so...unrecognizable"
Ji Woong slowly said as the image of Hyunjin on a stretcher came into his head.

Zhanghao's back hit the bed as he looked down.
"Does..Does that mean that Hyunjin's dead because of..me?" He muttered to himself. "I should have listened to him.." He said and looked at Matthew.

"He warned me not to do anything stupid Matthew..why didn't I listen to him?" He asked as tears began to cloud his eyes.

"No no no no, gosh no..what have I done?" Zhanghao kept muttering as he fisted his hair.
Ji Woong held Zhanghao's shoulders.
"Hey hey calm down. It's a lot to take in but..just calm down Hao" Ji Woong said.

He then looked at Matthew and saw him standing, looking into space. "Matthew snap out of it"

Matthew slowly turned his head and looked at
Ji Woong. "Hyung. If I tried a little harder...had I tried just a bit harder to stop Hyunjin from going to save Hanbin...this wouldn't have happened"

Ji Woong sighed and looked back to Zhanghao.
He was about to speak but a nurse came in.
"Mr.Kim? Mr. Sung just requested for your presence" The nurse said and Zhanghao immediately looked at Ji Woong.

"He's awake?" He muttered and Ji Woong hesitatingly nodded. Zhanghao gritted his teeth and quickly got off the bed, leaving the ward.

Ji Woong ran after him, Matthew still staying where he was because of shock.

Zhanghao saw a ward's  door open and he went in.
He saw Hanbin watching the television, the news precisely with a smirk. His face and hands bandaged because of the burns.

He stormed in, locked the door and detached the IV from him making Hanbin hiss. His eyes widened when he saw Zhanghao. "T-Then who died if you're here?"

Zhanghao's chest rose and fell in anger, his eyes brimmed with tears as he looked at Hanbin.

Ji Woong was banging on the door but Zhanghao ignored him. He held Hanbin's shirt.

"It should have been you...Not Hyunjin" He muttered and Hanbin looked at him in confusion before a smirk slowly came up to his face.

"No way...Did that fucker die?" He asked and chuckled. "Let me guess...trying to save his lover? Very cute" Hanbin said and tilted his head as he smirked.

Zhanghao's fist shook in anger as he gripped  Hanbin's shirt tighter. His tears fell and he quickly wiped them away.

"No. He died, saving you" Zhanghao said and Hanbin's smirk faded. He stared at Zhanghao for sometime before his smirk returned.

"Wah really? I guess I don't have a rival anymore. I'm still the top and I now have you to my self.
It's not like I begged him to save me, right?"
Hanbin chuckled as he said.

Zhanghao held Hanbin's jaw and Hanbin yelled out loud because of the fresh burns on his face. Zhanghao saw blood begin to stain the bandage but he cared less.

"Yah Hanbin. Have some decency, even on your death bed you still act like a jerk. Honestly...
Hyunjin was too good for you. He should have let you died" Zhanghao said and Hanbin chuckled and hissed in pain.

"But he didn't. Shame" He said and laughed out loud. Zhanghao released his jaw and held his shirt.
"I'm not Hyunjin" He said, looking at Hanbin with an expressionless face.

"I have nothing to live for and nothing to lose. I'm really going to kill you" Zhanghao muttered. He dragged Hanbin out of the bed and Hanbin yelled out loud when his burns touched the floor.

Zhanghao dragged him to the window and opened it.

Ji Woong busted the door opened and slowly walked in. "Hao. Calm down...this isn't what you want to do.
Let's sit and talk" Ji Woong slowly said trying to calm Zhanghao.

Zhanghao looked away from Ji Woong and pushed Hanbin's head out of the window.
"Hyung...I'm doing what's right" Zhanghao muttered and let Hanbin go.

His eyes widened as Hanbin held his shirt, dragging him along. "You die with me" Hanbin said laughing.
"As long as you die" Zhanghao retorted and closed his eyes.

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