chapter 25 the kindergarten

Start from the beginning

"Hey you three, perfect timing! We just got back from the barn, great to see you amethyst!", blue greeted them, she could see amethyst looked sad. "Mum, could you possibly bring us to amethyst's home?", Steven said, this peaked blue's interest, "She said the crystal gems where annoying her with questions about it and claiming peridot was going to do something with it". "Yes I could easily take you three there", blue said, making Steven and amethyst happy. "Oh blue im so sorry but I gotta go soon I have violin class soon!", Connie said, checking the time on her phone and quickly leaving.

Steven blue and amethyst quickly went to the warp in the house,lapis went back to bed and Greg went to work, pearl watched them as they walked in, especially amethyst and lapis. "I can't wait to show you guys around!", Amethyst excitedly said as they got on the warp, Steven smiled at her and replied, "I'm excited too, I really can learn a lot about gems there".

The three of them warped on top of some sort of hill and where surrounded by large hills and old broken and black injectors. "welcome to the kindergarten!", Amethyst said, jumping off the warp, "I can't wait to show you around!", she held Steven's hand and guided him around while laughing. It was very foggy and abandoned looking, the hills and mountains where Littered with holes, holes shaped like people.

"Steven! B.D! check it out!", Amethyst excitedly showed them a smaller hole, much closer to the ground than any of the other ones. "This is where I came out of, pretty cool right!". Steven looked into the hole and back at her, "you came out of this?", he asked confused. "Yeah it's me-sized!", she said, sliding perfectly into the hole and to the back as Steven looked in. Blue was mostly looking around at the old once grand kindergarten but then finally approached amethyst.

"Amethyst....wasn't it empty when you came out of this hole?", blue diamond said, "yeah, I spent my time here before rose quartz found me", she replied, sitting down in the hole. Steven looked at his mother and thought, "she was alone before rose found her! I feel so bad!", blue read his thought and just nodded, she needed to really think about what she was going to say. " don't know what the other amethysts look like", blue said. Amethyst got out the hole and looked at all the other ones, "probably like me...right?", she turned to blue, who was struggling with what she was about to say.

"Not just like you.. you have the hair.. the personality....but not the tall size", she nervously said, not wanting to offend the amethyst. "Not the size? What am I supposed to look like?", she asked blue, more intrigued than offended. To show her in the least bad way she could think of, blue diamond quickly shape-shifted into a tall amethyst soldier, then quickly to her normal form. Amethyst was shocked, "I'm not right?", she asked, sounding upset, blue was scared and tried to reassure her, "no no its ok, you still seem to have the same powers and the other amethysts will love you! I know they will! They'll accept you unlike those crystal gems! They are your family!", these words stuck with amethyst, she was right, the crystal gems hated the fact she was made on earth, they saw her as a immature child, even rose, who bascially raised her was no longer treating her as kindly.

"Hey its okay", Steven said, hugging amethyst, both he and blue read all her thoughts, they knew she wasn't some kind of crystal gem spy or any potential threat, they wanted to help her. Suddenly, the warp went off, blue panicked and amethyst sighed, "her comes the fun police".

"Amethyst!, where are you! I know you're there!", blue recognised that voice, it was the crystal gem's pearl, she quickly grabbed Steven and flew to the top to watch, as the pearl got closer blue hid Steven in one of the old gem holes and she shapeshifted into a rock and hid in a hole next to him.

"What are you doing in this...horrible place!", the pearl said in disgust, kicking some rocks away from her. "It's my home pearl", amethyst mumbled under her breath. "How cruel of her!", Steven said to blue as they where hiding, "she's the one I fought as frybo", blue said, "she was so dramatic and annoying". "This place is one big, horrible mistake, get back to the temple, rose has been looking for you!", pearl commanded, cornering amethyst. "We need to do something!", Steven yelled, jumping out the hole and landing on his face, scaring pearl. "Hey you! stop that! leave My friend alone!", Steven said, getting up from the ground, he was now covered in dirt, blue just rolled her eyes and prepared herself to kill this pearl if she ever touched him.

"Steven! There you are!" Amethyst said, pearl looked at Steven horrified, "you brought a HUMAN to this horrendous site!" She shrieked, this really offended Steven, he wasn't just some human he was a prince! The son of the great blue diamond! He was keeping cover right now but he really wanted to show this pearl who's boss! "Human, please get out of here, this place is truly terrible" pearl gestured her hand to steven but amethyst smacked it away, "LEAVE HIM ALONE!", she yelled, summoning her whip and hitting pearl away, pearl hit one of the injectors and fell to the ground. Pearl quickly got up and summoned her spear, "you leave me no choice amethyst!", she shouted as she rushed to the purple gem, they both where now putting Steven at risk and blue was about to jump in and destroy that pearl until.

As the pearl rushed to amethyst, Steven jumped in front of her and summoned his scythe, quickly knocking away pearl and her spear. "I knew it, I knew I saw you before BLUE DIAMOND!!!", pearl yelled at steven who was holding his scythe in front of him.As she tried to run to him again, amethyst's whip wrapped around her and tripped her up, "leave Steven alone!", Amethyst yelled at pearl.

Blue diamond finally flew down from the hills, clapping and congratulating her son and mocking the pearl. "Well done, you two are a amazing duo together" both steven and amethyst smiled at eachother, "I'm very sorry you had to deal with that thing for so long!", she joked, amethyst and steven both laughed at this as pearl tried to plead with them. "Now, amethyst I'm going to be taking you to see your family, the crystal gems would definitely be mad if you came  back to them after this", blue flew amethyst and steven to the warp and waved to pearl, then summoned a large ball of energy and shot it to her before leaving.

Not long after, rose quartz warped to the kindergarten, to see how pearl was. The kindergarten was in ruins and somehow pearl didn't lose her form but her gem was cracked. Rose ran to her, "did amethyst do this!?", she asked pearl, sounding very shocked. "It was b-blue d-diamond..." pearl said, struggling through the pain.

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