chapter 3 cheeseburger backpack

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"Where did he even find this" blue said, she was holding and looking at the small statue her son had found in the family's old storage unit. "the statue seems to be of you my diamond," pearl said, "maybe you found it here on earth and kept it"."I wonder why I'd even keep this garbage", blue said, giving the statue to pearl, "even if it is me, its a bad portrayal, or maybe I am that ugly". "GUYS! I GOT IT!", Steven yelled, suddenly running into the house while holding a package. "Got what!?" Blue asked confused. "THIS!!!", Steven shouted while pulling what looked like a huge cheeseburger out of the box, "ITS A...CHEESEBURGER BACKPACK!", he exclaimed.

"How interesting my Steven!" Pearl said as she went over to Steven to look at his new backpack. Blue still sat and watched, she thought it looked stupid and just stared at them. "Each part of the burger Is a different pocket! See, the bread, the lettuce, the beef..", Steven explained to pearl, pearl seemed to be genuinely interested in it, this shocked blue and she always thought pearl didn't like Steven or was at least a bit weary of him, eventhough she didn't like this new backpack she was at least happy pearl was developing any sort of relationship with her son.

"My Steven this is truly perfect timing that you got this backpack!" Pearl said, she was usually quite quiet but this time she had a lot of emotion in her voice, happy emotion that Made her louder than usual. "Maybe with this cheeseburger backpack, you can go and see the sea spire where this statue of your mother was kept!", she continued while showing Steven the statue of his mother he found. "Wait what!?" Blue said, shocked, "we are going somewhere pearl?", her tone scared pearl here and she looked back at blue with terrified eyes peaking through her hair, "I'm sorry my diamond I just thought Steven would-"OF COURSE HE CAN BUT!", blue interrupted pearl, she realised she scared her and really didn't mean to, she wanted pearl to try and be a bit more independent. "HE MUST NOT BRING THAT STUPID NEW BURGER THING!", she continued, pointing at the new cheeseburger backpack, this really upset Steven and he begged her to please let him bring it.

"Pleaaassseeeee muuuuummmm, just looooookkkk at it, it's so coooolll", Steven begged while showing her the backpack closely, pearl stayed out of this, she thought she may have angered her diamond today. "Why should I let you walk around with a bag showing such disgusting human depravity being celebrated!" Blue told Steven, "the baby cow, murdered then eaten with the milk it's mother gave to feed it! What evil! And you want to wear it as some stupid bag!". Steven realised debating with his mother with just words would be useless so he tried another technique...GUILT!

"Fine you crazy vegan", Steven said in a defeated voice, he sat down on the ground and said, "I'll guess this bag dad spent so much money on will just go in the trash, and I'll never be able to go to wherever that statue of you belongs, I'll never see My heritage and history!", Steven tried to use his most dramatic voice at the end and it seemed to have worked, blue now felt awful and so guilty, "UGH...FINE, PEARL! SHOW HIM WHERE EVER THE STUPID STATUE BELONGS!..And you can bring that...cheeseburger backpack", blue said, the guilt trip had worked, Steven was victorious.

"This statue of your mother was the most important thing in this old sea spire" pearl explained, showing a hologram that came from the gem in her chest, the hologram showed what the sea spire used to look like in its prime, "this structure still exists but its very old and falling apart but! By putting this statue of your dear mother back into place it will be as good as new!" , pearl sounded so exited and it made blue feel very happy, maybe this was a good idea afterall.

The 3 of them quickly warped there and it was unsurprisingly in ruins, "oh diamond I apologise but Its in a much worse condition than I thought, maybe we should turn back" pearl apologised, but blue ignored, taking a step forward and looking at the once famous gem location on earth, "so this is the old sea spire now, how will we even get past I wonder", blue thought. "Why can't we just jump over?", Steven asked, blue laughed at this and guided her son to the edge, the entire thing was surrounded by a whirlpool, "anything that goes by that gap will be sucked down there" blue explained, pointing down to the water in-between the edge and the wall of the spire.

"Don't worry mum I've got a idea!" Steven said, starting to look through his backpack, "I packed well for this, I've made sure to put nearly everything in the house in here, there's a lot of stuff that can fit in!", blue laughed at this and walked away from the edge and said "whatever you think will work, do it but if you die it's not our fault!". "Alright, to get across, we can use the....STEVEN-ROPE", he yelled, pulling out a bunch of his old shirts tired together, he suddenly jumped by the edge and used the shirts to hook around a old pillar of the spire and climb to the building, both pearl and blue where very shocked and impressed.

"Great work son, but you could've done something a bit easier", blue said, she grabbed pearl and summoned a giant pair of water wings that sprouted from her back, she quickly flew over with pearl and landed next to Steven. "But mum, you said you'd get sucked down?" Steven asked confused, " did you forget I can control the water?" Blue asked sarcastically. The 3 explored the ruins, barely anything was left of what once was a place the most elite gems visited, barely anything was recognisable, "this place will be so beautiful once we have your statue back in place my diamond!" Pearl said to blue, "yeah yeah whatever", blue replied, she really didn't get why pearl was so obsessed with this old place.

Blue suddenly stopped in her tracks, "Steven, can you hear them?" Blue asked her son, "yeah! I hear animals, they sound hungry!" Steven excitedly said back to his mother. Blue diamond was known to be a great diplomat long before, this was mostly because she understood all languages and not just spoken ones, both her and steven could speak to all sorts of animals. "You hear animals my diamond, what kind-OH STARS CRYSTAL SHRIMP!", pearl yelled, noticing the animals that where doing all the talking, "stars..these things infested this once great place!", pearl yelled at the shrimp. "Aww pearl, don't be mad, they seem to be hungry but don't worry, if I was a shrimp I know I'd like...A BAGEL SANDWICH!!!", Steven suddenly pulled out the bagel sandwiches and immediately the crystal shrimp went to eat them, "great work again my Steven, your cheeseburger backpack is really helping us", pearl said, returning to a much less, angry tone.

As the 3 of them went on across the ruins, suddenly some water burst through the collapsing walls, blue didn't even react and just put her hand out and suddenly the water was stopped in its tracks, "Wow mum! You're so cool," Steven said to her, "yeah but we have another problem, you've got anymore shirts?" He asked, pointing to the big hole right in front of them. "Oh no!" Steven cried, looking through the backpack, "I'm so sorry mum, I've got no more shirts to lift us up!". "Don't worry!", blue said, stroking her son's hair, "I'll just use My wings again". She moved her hands away from the water and let it burst through and flow in front of them, she then picked up pearl and Steven and flew across the pouring water that now covered the hole.

They were now finally here, the very top, the base where the statue was supposed to go was right in front of them. "Alright, we are finally here, let's put the stupid statue here, then I can finally go home, take a bath and sleep!", blue complained, Steven ran in front of them, and got ready to place down the statue, but there was a issue, he kept looking through all the pockets but couldn't find it! He started to panic "mum! Pearl! I'm sorry but I don't think I have it!" He yelled, blue face palmed and said "so this was a big waste of time", But thankfully pearl was able to save the day, "My Steven I saw you leave it at home so I kept it in my gem! Here it is!" She walked up to Steven and gave him the statue, Steven was overjoyed and quickly placed the statue on it's base, it suddenly stared to float in the air and the entire spire returned to as its old form, pearl and Steven where celebrating but blue just yawned and asked "can we go home now?"

Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora