chapter 18 befriending a traitor

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The sun was starting to set on beach city as Blue guided amethyst to her home, Greg was currently at work at the carwash so wouldn't know about this, this is good as he'd definitely freak out if they came home with another gem. As they walked in pearl greeted them and was shocked by seeing amethyst, "my diamond....have you found another gem?", she asked blue, bowing to her. "woah you look like pearl!" Amethyst said, "that's because I am a pearl..." pearl quietly replied under her breath, sounding almost offended and angered by this statement.

Steven immediately wanted to guide amethyst around the house but blue warned them to not be too loud as lapis was sleeping on the couch, ever since she was freed from the mirror, lapis spent a lot of time sleeping."Woaahhh, so many gems, what's this one!", Amethyst said, walking over to lapis, "oh she's lapis lazuli! She was trapped in a mirror and we freed her, she's got cool water powers!" Steven said "oh and that's pearl!", he pointed to pearl, who was giving amethyst a dirty look under her hair, "and my mum is called blue diamond and i guess I'm also a blue diamond! But you can just call me Steven, Don't we look alike!" He gestured to his mother, they both shared the same droopy, sad looking blue eyes and diamond shaped pupils.

"I've never heard of any of these types besides pearl", amethyst said, sounding amazed, "so what do you guys do on earth?". This question angered pearl, she was convinced this small and faulty amethyst must be some kind of crystal gem traitor! During this,Blue was reading Pearl's thoughts, blue had never done this with pearl before and was shocked at all this anger and hatred buried deep in her mind. "Oh a long story, my mum works all around space with pearl, and I was born and raised here, my dad is actually human!" Steven answered. "woahhhh a human-gem hybrid thingy!?" Amethyst exclaimed, "you're so cool!", Steven laughed at this and blushed, "yeah! My mum says I'm the first!" He proudly exclaimed, pulling his shirt down to fully reveal the large blue gem in his chest.

During the small house tour amethyst didn't really pay much attention to the rooms besides the kitchen, especially the fridge, unlike most gems besides blue herself and pearl sometimes amethyst ate food, a lot. Her appetite was unlike any other and it amazed Steven and blue but disgusted pearl who just watched on in anger. As amethyst quickly devoured food pearl finally couldn't take it anymore and confronted her diamond about it.

As pearl went up to blue she was also shocked to find her dear diamond was also eating! She felt sick just watching it. "My diamond......", pearl said to blue, surprising her. "There you are pearl! You've been awfully quiet all day, is something up? Please tell me if so", blue said, trying to sound like she didn't read all those hateful thoughts. "My diamond, I must speak to you about that.....amethyst," Pearl continued looking at steven and Amethyst, making all sorts of bizarre combinations of food and laughing together. "I do not trust her My diamond, she is a gross and lower being, why do you spend your time with her and not the sapphires and agates!?", blue was shocked by this statement by pearl and stood up from her chair, looking down on pearl.

"Tell me pearl....who gave you the right to think my choices are wrong!?", blue said to pearl, in that signature harsh voice she ruled homeworld with, "do you think who i spend my time with makes me somehow something lower than you?" She walked towards pearl, sounding more and more angry, this terrified pearl, "you obviously must be better than me if you have the audacity to tell me such things!" this shut her up quickly, pearl went completely silent and just stood by the wall, watching steven and amethyst.

As Steven and amethyst where about to make their own together breakfast (more lunch because of the time), Steven noticed blue and pearl speaking and was interested by their expressions, they seemed to be speaking about something serious. "Hey ste-man what-ya looking at?" Amethyst playfully asked him, "oh nothing, my mum just seemed to be speaking with pearl about something", Steven said, quickly turning around to continue draining the house of all of its food.

As amethyst went to go grab some cookies she noticed a family photo, "Wow! Is that your dad!" She said to steven, quickly running up to him, holding the photo in her hands. "Yeah! Isn't his hair amazing!", Steven replied, not understanding amethyst's shock. "YOUR DAD IS THE MR UNIVERSE!?", she exclaimed, "he's why I gave myself this long hair! I knew the rumours about him moving here where true!".amethyst quickly ran to blue, still holding the portrait. "You are so lucky!" She said, pointing at greg on the photo, blue laughed at this but pearl still watched in disgust. "Haha I guess my theory all gems can't resist him is true!", blue laughed, pearl couldn't believe any of this, how her once might diamond had become so impure.

Right before it became night and Greg returned from work, amethyst left the home, much to Steven's protest. Pearl knew Greg would know something had happened,she needed to quickly buy so much to refill the kitchen and clean up the chaos amethyst had left and this enraged her. "HOW DARE THAT SMALL CLOD THINK SHE CAN COME IN HERE AND TRASH THE PLACE", she angrily thought as she cleaned up the kitchen, ignoring blue and steven asking if they could help her.

"What where you and pearl talking about?" Steven asked blue as they watched her clean, "she doesn't like amethyst", blue replied, her tone made it sound like something bad had happened. "Why?" Steven said, quite shocked, "she's so cool!". "I don't understand either", blue replied, "maybe pearl is just looking out for us, she really does care about us and since she just met amethyst she mightve been a bit worried".

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